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my life as a pin cushion!



[b]well, thanksgiving is over and it was a very good day. i feel like i should be providing juicy details but honestly it was just a lovely day - not even any family dramas! i do need to report that this weeks's search and rescue actvity of loose change on the ground was not nearly as productive as the previous week. i did, however, add 11 cents to my income. i highly recommend doing this as you can experience a tidbit of joy when finding these lost coins.

my big activity this past week was doctor's office visits - hence my titillating blog title. this week i was able to experience the thrill of two blood tests, five botox injections(i am sad to report they were all on my shoulder,arm and hand and NONE for my face), my weekly visit to the pain clinic got me two injections in my hip and the dentist gave me one for a filling. i am happy to say i was a very brave girl as i experienced my medical travels. i am sure that if i can ever get my medical issues under control i could save a fortune on my co-pays and, along with my change rescue activity, i would really be in the money! haha!!!


one another note, we believe we finally have our house ready for the market. it is amazing how much stuff two people can accumulate - and we are not "thing" people or knick knack lovers. our realtor is stopping by tomorrow and i would say i am on pins and "needles" (but i won't) and we will see where we stand. the kids want us back in MA and we want to go. not only to be closer to them but to see our our adorable grandson who is 18 months old. things have a way of working out and so i am not gonna get my knickers in a twist over the whole issue. but honestly i hope it all works out for us to go back home.


i continue to groove on my chat hours and try to get to other chats as well. now that the house is ready i hope to have more energy for the things i enjoy like, strokenet chats, reading other member's blogs, reading my favorite books and water exercise. i still am not sure how i made through my first year post stroke without strokenet for support. i guess things happen when we are ready. i will say that there is not a day that goes by that i do not feel stronger in knowing that i am not alone in the journey of recovery. i am lucky to have found this site. i guess there are all sorts of "luck" out there in our big universe - personally, i could go with some lottery luck - now would that not be cool? well, i am off to take a nap - i wish everyone a happy week full of peace, health and joy. cheers! kathy


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Another Super Blog entry dear gal. Glad your Thanksgiving went well. Ours is an extended celebration (3 parter) - we've completed 2 parts and both were quite good.


Glad to hear doc appt. went well - yes you were brave getting all those shots. I've heard the botox shots are so painful; I will still be talking to my doc today about them (temporary inconvenience vs improvement I hope).


Each and every day that goes by makes me more thankful for finding Strokenet and thankful it's here for us.



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hey Kathy:


I so look forward to your blogs, it always brings smile on my face reading your adventures, you are pretty brave girl going through so many needles. I wish you well in your house selling. I think as long as you are not desperate in selling, you will do fine. I too am very thankful of finding this great stroke support site




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Wow! that's a lot of poking but how strong you were..BRAVO! Soon your house will sell and you will be with your kids and grandchild, a new place to look for coins and add to your income..lol! Hey, keep it up..or keep looking down...you just might come across a collectible coin worth a few moola!

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kathy, bless your heart, ouch on the needles, but you did it and you got the house ready. you have come a long way since you started to blog. i'm sure the house selling will go good for you, so you can be closer to your family. all of us here are happy you found the site and became part of our family. you are doing a great job in chat, we are lucky to have you. keep searching for your coins, as shirley said you might find the BIG one someday. you could use your coins to buy the lottery tickets and win big, wouldn't that be the best of it all. good luck, have fun and keep us posted on how you are doing. be positive about the house and it will happen.

be safe and well my friend.

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