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another cool week in my exciting life!



well, it was a disappointing week as far as my efforts to generate additional income. only 4 pennies ALL week. i am sure however that each one is a lucky one! my husband dragged me ( almost literally) to walmart on tuesday to check out some object he wanted. i can't even remember what it was as i felt like a deer caught in the headlights after a few minutes in the store. my idea of shopping is the internet and my idea of a venture away from my safe little home is my local library. oops - i got side tracked about my extra income activities -so, as i hobbled in the parking lot i was scanning furtively for a big find - my husband knew right away what i was doing and told me to knock it off and pay attention to where i was going. i was quite annoyed until i missed the curb with my cane and went lurching madly towards the salvation army bell ringer. hubby caught me by my belt loops before i crashed. it was a close call but i intend to continue the search for easy money but with a bit more finesse.

on a fun note, i got a flat stanley in the mail this week from a little girl i knew up north. stanley is a book character about a little boy who got flattened by a board. even though he is flat he wanted to visit california so his parents put him in an envelope and mailed him off for his visit. now, kids at schools send him out to unsuspecting adults for a visit and we are to show stanley a good time while he learns about the place we live in. we then send stanley back with a discriptions, information etc about the visit. well, of course i focused all my energy for two days on stanley's visit. i shrunk him down and took off his long pants, shirt and tie and dressed him in shorts ,ballcap and summer shirt cause i live in florida and it is still stinking hot! anyhow, we visted sea world, disney world, went surfing,fishing and such. i put it all in a small picture book and sent it off. i was always a bit of an over achiever and i wanted an A for this project!

i have been enjoying my visits to the chat rooms and am grooving on getting to know people better. i have to say that while i know serious issues are often talked about in chat i look forward to the silly and funny stuff. each day is such a challenge between the brain issues, pain and mobility that i thank the gods and goddesses for the gift humor. when i venture out into the world i am amazed at how many grumpy people are out there.

i have been very tired lately - more so than usual. i started some new anti seizure meds and that combined with all this house hullabaloo has me exhausted! then i went to the cardio doc - they found all in good order (yeah) but i have put on the pounds! after he read me the riot act i thought okay and pulled out the weight watchers material. what a drag - but my underwear is getting snug so i best knuckle down!

the holidays are a bit hard for me cause since my stroke my parents and brother don't contact me much. maybe they just feel uncortable but it still hurts. i am so grateful for my sister's love and the support of my friends and of my cyber family here at strokenet. i will have to groove on these positive thoughts as the holiday season begins! cheers! kathy


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Dear girl, please be careful on your search and procurement of additional funds. "Graceful" was never part of my demeanor but it has definitely gotten worse post. Good thing hubby could grab a hold of you and keep you from tumbling.


Yes, the holiday season has begun...it is sad the way some of our family and even friends treat us - we're NOT lepers - we're still "us" just different now. Hang in there, you have those around you who love and support you. As to the others - it's their loss.


Glad your doc appt will well. Congrats on the Flat Stanley project - I'm sure you'll get an A+++.

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Kathy, that Flat Stanely project sounds so cool! You'll get an A I'm sure. Be careful seeking more income...good thing hubby was there to catch your fall. It's hard to eat right during the holidays with all the delicious food, you got a great start pulling out the Weight Watchers...you'll do it and make Doctor proud!

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Way Cool on the Flat Stanley project... sounds like Fun.. and I know Stanley had a blast with you and all the site seeing.Well if you had landed in the bell ringers pot, the change would have landed on the ground.. and Whoo Hoo what a find... (ok only kidding) ....LOL We went out last Sat for awhile, I used to love shopping.. but there were so many people and TOO much stuff... I was overwhelmed and only spent a few minutes in a couple shops.. one that was not so crowded I did spend a little more time looking. I understand the overwhelmed feeling.... YIKESSome meds can cause weight gain, so you may want to check out the side effects ... and talk to Dr about them, if that is on the list.

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I love your Flat Stanley activity; I wonder if he would like to visit the desert? And, yes, this weight loss is the pits. Yesterday we had to go to a memorial for a neighbor's mother who passed. I pulled out 4 pair of black slacks, all of which either are too long (I can't wear heals any more due to my bad gait) or were too small. I ended up with a dark brown pair and had to pin the waist shut because they were too small (or I am too big!). It sounds like we could really dialog if we lived closer together. Where are you in Florida. We are flying in for a few days next April and then will fly to St. Lucia for 10 days. Another brave adventure for this survivor

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