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Sad start to 2008



My last gynae appointment showed no fetal heartbeat or fetal growth, so my pregnancy is to be terminated. Under doctors orders, tonight I must take medication that will induce a miscarriage and then we schedule a D&C. I am back at work today after 10 days leave, so the work routine is well under way already. I am really sad, Greg and I were so excited at the prospect of a little one, but we will try again and next time I won't shout the news from the roof-tops until we are sure everything is ok.

Happy New Year to everyone.



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sorry to hear the sad news, I myself has gone through miscarriages and I know no words at this time can provide comfort, just know that God has better plans for you, and you will get that bundle of joy in his time.


lots of hugs




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I'm so sorry dear to hear of the pending miscarriage. If it is any consolation to you right now may not have been the best time or perhaps something would have gone wrong during delivery.


You'll be in my thoughts and prayers - we're here for you.

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So sorry Vix, I had a couple miscarriages, and I also worked in OB. If it is any consolation, the fetus must have been defective and the cells were not forming correctly, so it was not a "viable" pregnancy. Wait a few months, or whatever your Dr recommends. You may even want to take some prenatal vitamins with folic acid for a few months before you start trying again. Prenatal vitamins have more folic acid.My heartfelt feelings are with you both..

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i am so sorry to hear of your miscarriage. be good to yourself and your body as you grieve your loss. you and greg will be in my thoughts. kathy

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