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Rambling Entry



Anyone reading my previous blog entry knows that I've had a long day. Currently I'm mentally and physically exhausted, but too tired to sleep. So I'm going to just start writing for my therapy. You're welcome of course to come along for the ride. smile.gif


In Native American legend there is the legend of the eagle. Eagles when reaching the end of their lives would fly up to the sun. When they got to close their feathers would burst into flames. An eagle would then dive into a river to douse the flames and return to the surface renewed. A more familiar telling is the legend of the pheonix. Upon death a pheonix would burst into flames and be completely consumed. Out of the ashes a baby pheonix would emerge.


It's funny how old legends tell of death and rebirth. Modern legends tell of "hitting rock bottom". Have we lost the ability to rise from our crisis, or merely lost the ability to see beyond our current missory? When man stopped being general in their abilities and formed cities and develope "specialized" skills, did their capacity to see beyond the now get specialized as well?


Human nature has lost so much with progress. Once upon a time the religious leaders where also the healers and scholars. They knew that a person consited of three parts (mind, body, and soul). A balance between these parts is what makes a person a person. In modern times a doctor takes care of the body, a religious leader takes care of the soul, and schools take care of the mind. Even a person has been taken apart and has become "specialized".


When a person looks around, they can see all the advancements that humans have made. But, what has humans lost along the way? A person uses 10% of their brain. So, what is the other 90% for? Was there a time when we used all 100%? Have our advancements seperated us from a human was truly meant to be?


On the sixth day God created man and from man he created woman. We all know this story. Though humans have forgotten a very important fact. God created the greatest of beings the very first day. This planet we live upon was the great first creation. In Native American foklore it is said that the Great Spirit created all animals equal. He gave man a greater understanding than the others so that man could honour the Great Spirit and tend to the earth. This basic ideology that we are all equal has been lost. "look out for number 1". Number 1 was Gaia, created by the Great Spirit to be our home. We stopped tending her and started tending ourselves. We have had so much taken away from us that we don't realize.


Everyone is quick to jump up and give excuses why humans are so demoralized these days. Fingures are pointing out in every direction. There is a very basic saying that if you point 1 fingure at someone, then you are pointing 3 fingures at yourself. Humans have lost what humans where meant to be. We were appointed by the Great Spirit to tend to our planet. We were meant to work together, and be generalized in our approach. We are made in God's image. Our mind, body, and soul mirrors his Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. When we specialized and divided ourselves up, we lost the most basic of human concepts.


We fear what we can't control. We fear what we don't understand. We fear what we are told to fear. Why? Humans were by design meant to adapt and rise above these fears. What can't be understood, just is. If humans don't understand something, then we have a bad habit of labeling that thing as bad and is to be feared. Humans should work together. For what one fears, another understands. This is evident in too many things. A pentagram is seen as evil and demonic by many. Though a pentagram is just a repesentation of the elemental properties of life (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and the Spirit World). Shamans are seen as worshipping spirits and false gods. In reality the Great Spirit has appointed helpers to aid him from the spirit realm. It is these spirits who we ask for guidance. Every religion that man has created to seperate himself from his neighbor is seeking the same thing. There's just human's egotistical way of worshiping the being that brought us into existance. Why fight each other over this? Nobody can competely understand the Great Spirit. It would be easier for an ant to understand a human than a human to understand God.


Never forget we are human. We have lost so much that we should never have lost. The best way to start to regain what was lost is to look at the person on the street. Instead of instantly knowing everything you think you know about them, stop and say "I don't understand what is going on in your life. Please give me to pleasure of that understanding." The world is full of teachers. The problem is the fact that we have forgotten even a teacher can be a student, and even a student can be a teacher. We need to stop specializing and start generalizing. Sharing knowledge is a step in the right direction. Maybe one day we can reclaim our given task and be caretakers of this planet of ours. Maybe oneday we can rise from our ashes and say "I am a human, and we are the ones appointed by the Great Spirit to care for each other and all beings on this world". When that day comes, instead of wasting energy on blaming others for the state the world is in, we can rise up and work together to fix the mistakes we have made. Then we can truly get back to were we belong.


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