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answering some questions....



Just a short entry to catch up on some comments kindly made on previous entries. Fred, that seems a bit high a quote for just a room, but if it is being added on to the outside it would cost more I guess, still seems high to me.


Maria, sounds like your husband and I would get along very well. I can sit right down next to work being done and not be bothered by it. Watching the two lads moving all that material from the garage to the basement last week was a joy to see.


Now lets see, the comet dust questions. I agree with Bstockman, it likely aids gravity in the "sagging" process. I think it weakens the tissue fibers that are supposed to hold things up. As far as overcoming the cumulative effects of gravity, well that will require some more thought.


Dust devils, well it would seem like comet dust probably adds to them. good observation Kathy.....


If we think about it, I am sure there are many things we can attribute to comet dust. If we note when these things occur most often, we can probably determine when we are passing thru some and maybe take shelter in a lead lined room or something.


Soon I will discuss how we can solve some more problems, but enough for now. Time for a mind refreshing thought provoking nap.








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