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Solving more of the world's problems....



Today is another day of hard work. Watching two young lads paint the stairwell and then carry material to the basement. I have already gone thru two cups of coffee watching them work. Lesley stayed at the hospital to avoid the noise.


Anyway, it is time to solve some more problems, so here goes.

Men cause most of the problems of this world. Women don't start usually wars, commit violence, commit sexual harrassment, be homeless, etc. So I propose we attack the problem at the roots.

I propose we invent a implant to be placed in the brain (or skull in case of some men without brains). This implant would register the thoughts of the implanted man. Should he think a bad thought, such as sexual harrassment, etc, a signal would be sent out to a homeless person equipped with a receiver pointing out the location of the offending male. The homeless person would then locate the offending male, and charge him a fine on the spot. For convenience, this fine could be charged to a credit card. The homeless person would get a cut of the money, thus making them diligent in collecting as much as possible. Different offenses could carry different fines, and be adjusted to whatever is politically correct at the moment. Incorrigible men could be charged extra heavy fines for their evil ways. The money would go to a fund to be paid out to women. We all know women are paid less than men for the same work. We could call this fund the "gender equality tax".


We could put all our young people to work inventing and making these implants. They could be made with an American flag on them and could only be "made in America", thus helping the trade imbalance with China. We could use illegal immigrants working in outpatient clinics in Walmarts to do the implanting. Since most men have little for brains, this need not be a complex operation. This would give illegal immigrants meaningful work and add to the tax base.


These implants could be powered by something most men have too much of: testosterone. To keep the illegal immigrants busy and gainfully employed, men would be required to regularly buy supplements at the clinics to insure they have enough testosterone in their systems to power the implants.


Think of all the problems this would solve. Sexual harrassment would be solved along with any other politically correct cause of the moment. Homelessness. Illegal immigrants not working. Pay equity between the sexes. Any other politically correct evil of the day like drinking too much, overeating, etc.


Between these implants and solving the comet dust problem, I think we can solve most of the world's problems.


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hey George:


:laughbounce: why aren't you running for presidency. your plan is brilliant better than universal healthcare.




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To have such a claim from one of the testosterone laden, he must be one of two things either very brave or working an angle and running for president. You have my vote for the later. Keep thinking the estrogen needs and appreciates your support.

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