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100 questions about me



15 things I like about myself:

-volunteering to get self-satisfaction

-working more with my children not working because of disability

-work hard to educate public about stroke risk factors, ways to reduce, how to recognize if you or someone if having stroke, what to do if

-relarionship with my 14 sems open and she is honest if I ask the question.

-my 11 year old is starting to be more open with me.

-starting to have more patience with my 7 year old. He is outgoing and if he doesn't agree then he tells you are wrong. Can be a challenge.

-participate in volunteering: schools, church, volleyball, cub scouts and some girl scout activities

-not afraid to ask doctors fow what I believe I need for my recovery. My doc is good about approving PT.

-working more on myself with seeing a therapist or asking for more PT and participating more with take home exercises

-joined support groups to help build understaning and friendship

-doing more of the things I like

-listening and taking better care of myself, not over-doing things!




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It's good to see that blogging has seemed to encourage you to think more positively about yourself. Through your posts we see so many great qualities in you. I'm sorry you feel they are unnoticed and not valued by who you want to see them most. We are a supportive group as you know beyond just stroke support. We're here to be your friends whenever you need us.

Maria :friends:

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Hiya Beth,


Thank you for letting us hear some about you - I too hope things start going better for you. You've got enough going on. By reading this blog I can see you're pro-active and trying to be the best you can be.

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hi beth,

it is so cool to see you in blog world - thanks for sharing more about yourself. your posts are always so good i really look forward to reading your blog. kathy

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hey Beth:


glad to see your blog. girls and boys are so different. I used to find raising my son was a challenge, but everyday is so different. now he is kind 10 year old boy whotells her mom mostly everything in his own time, not in my time. It's good to be involved in kid's activities in school and outside. you are great mom





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