I am so happy like on Christmas morning. I rode my bike today. The day was sunny and warm. The snow has melted and most of the roads were dry. I didn't go far, but the thrill to be out and have some freedom again was uplifting. This is exactly what my mood needed. The winter blahs getting to me. My husband wasn't too happy about the idea, but agreed to it anyway (I thsnked him for stepping out of his comfort zone). I made sure I was home when I said I would be. I hope everyone gets out
My hubby fixed, hopefully, my trike today. He was sble to straighten the chain guard. He attached it. He wants me to wait until tomorrow to ride, so he is home if I have trouble. I am strongly wanting to go this afternoon. It is supposed to rain tomorrow evening. Don't know how much longer will have nice weather.
Other news: I have had 2 home OT therapy. We focused on doing laundry and cooking. I haven't heard back from her. I am guessing the insurance denied more therapy.I am wai
Well, I bought a trike in May. It has been wonderful. I have been going all over my town. I even go shopping with it. Did all the back-to-school shopping riding bike. Two of my kids love it! My middle child doesn't want to be seen with me on my trike, she is embarrassed. I try to ride everyday, even if just to local gas station for a soda and treat. I have lost 5 pounds and feeling much better. Getting out helps my depression and the exercise has helped my balance and energy level. I
Well, still not feeling well today. I guessed I pushed myself too hard. I slept late and then tried to nap( my usual routine) Started getting a headache so I couldn't sleep. Not feeling well when my ride came so I could get to church to volunteer. Thought it would do me good to get out. Well started feeling vry hot and headache getting worse. I took it easier than usual. Only there 2 hours and decided to leave early. Called Mom to get a ride home. She came and picked me up. I vomited
Today I received some blood test results. I haven't been feeling well lat month or so. Went to my GP yesterday. Blood test for Thyroid, cholesterol, Ammonia, Vit D. I still fee foggy, tired, disoriented. The tests came back good, except my Vit.D. is VERY low and my triglycerides are High. I was given a script Vit D and told to cut back on high fat foods and lose weight.
I was doing so well a couple months ago and have to get myself back there! I was outside more each day than before
How did my life get so mixed up? I am lost and am trying to grab my life back.
My husband tries so hard and means well. I fell out of bed, so he took my bed and now I sleep on a mattress on the floor. I was sleep walking because of my sleep med, so he locks me in the lower level of our house at bedtime. I have my bedroom, bathroom and family room with a TV and computer. He has taken control of our money. He transfers and keeps all money out of our joint account so I can
Today is Feb. 22 entry by Brice to see if her blog can be edited.
Well, there I sit on the bathroom floor. The headache comes in three stabbing points. I sit and cry "OH NO!!!! not again." I slowly feel the effects of this stroke slowly. No feeling in my foot, then leg, then hand, arm. and then face droops. I feel like I have a fat lip. I sat banging my foot against the floor and slapping my leg hoping to feel it. I can't. My husbasnd comes in. He doesn't know what to do. I don't
Today May 22 I am home from my emergency MRI last night. I had been having strong headaches everyday for the last week. Called my doc. He got me in right away for the MRI and appt. with him on Fri. Tech last night said she didn't see anything. I am going about normal routine waiting for the 'official' call from doc pffice with the results. No other signs of stroke. I am back to working hard on recovery. As everyone knows, it is hard work, but very necessary! Will be going on field trip
Woke up today 3:30AM. Couldn't go back to sleep. So switched the laundry, hads a bowl of cereal, made hubby coffee, took shower. Well, things gort very confusing for me. I lost track of time and missed that the kids left for bus stop when I still had things to give them. Hubby asked me what was wrong, why was I having trouble. I explained I was up since 3:30A and was still tired. He started yelling at me to go to bed. I didn't want to. I got dressed, switched laundry again, e-mailed son
I finally have an appt for an evaluation for the pain clinic on May 13! I am relieved to finally been scheduled. My thoughts and feelings were very depressing. The seemed no hope for help with my headache pain.
I have been lucky enough to continue PT until my appt. My neuro approves this because it helps reduce the number of headaches with the neck and head teament I receive fom my PT.
I am seeing new light!
The pain clinic my neurologist referred me to has an application process. It seems that this pain clinic has so many referrals that they can pick and choose their patients. I mailed in my application packet, all 8 pages completed, the end of December. I have been calling monthly to check on the progress. The response is always 'we are waiting on a copy of your patient chart from so and so clinic'. The next month I call and this time they are waiting on a different clinic, My call last week
My youngest daughter and I spent the weekend cheering for my oldest at a volleyball tournament. I was VERY tired but kept going for her. Now I am trying to recover. My husband and son went to Cub Scout winter camp. The went sledding, tubing and snow shoeing. They had so much fun!
I am encouraged by how my husband went. This was very important to my son. I hope this is a sign that things are changing. Maybe I am dreaming.
We have not been arguing lately. Our therapist suggeste
15 things I like about myself:
-volunteering to get self-satisfaction
-working more with my children not working because of disability
-work hard to educate public about stroke risk factors, ways to reduce, how to recognize if you or someone if having stroke, what to do if
-relarionship with my 14 sems open and she is honest if I ask the question.
-my 11 year old is starting to be more open with me.
-starting to have more patience with my 7 year old. He is outgoing and if he doesn't
I am not exactly sure why I started this. Going to give it a try to see if it helps me with thoughts, feelings and more connection with other members.
Brief about me: I am 37 and had a stroke when I was 33. My children were 10, 7, 4 at the time of my stroke. I was and am currently married. We have been married for 15 years and dated 5 years before marriage. We have had our marriage struggles but dealing with the stroke seems to have ended our relationship. I have changed so much! I