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Been so long



I have been away from here for so long and so much has happened since my last entry. Where do I begin?

Well, Brian, the baby was placed with me about 1 1/2 weeks after that post on an emergency basis, then as my foster child in October. His mom is really out there and has only seen him for 1 hour in the past 2 months. Needless to say, being a "new mom" has been very time consuming. I don't have the energy that I had when my kids were his age (he is 21 months old tomorrow) so I have to set priorities and my housework is not on the top of the list. I rest when he naps and usually stress over all the thinkg I "should" be, painting, finishing the walls...(did I say that I have had 2 water incidents recently?)


Brendan is doing well at college. I really enjoyed going to his football games. His then girlfriend went with me to most of them. Only 2 of the games required long travel and we stayed overnite at those 2. I was thankful to have her riding along for those games...Oh, and we had the baby along too and he was really great!!! I am not so sure about this coming year though...a 2 year old...we will see.


All my children were home for Christmas and having the baby made it all so was nice for me to see my children with him too...kinda get a look at their futures, how they will be as parents.


I don't know why Jan/ Feb seem to be the bad times for me. First stroke Jan 12, 2005...second Feb 2006 and had a thalamic Jan 2008. I was hospitalized for 3 days and am waiting to see ...I have no insurance so waiting to see if there is any help financially for that. This one has the worst residual...intense pain on the one side of my head/face and intense numbness on the other. My taste and sense of smell are affected as well. I just get through each day as best I can and some days are very hard. I have the baby to tend so there is some distraction and that has to be good.


Still praying for my hubby. Our 25th anniversary is coming,




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hey Mary:

after long time you came and updates us. you do test my memory. wow foster mom of 21 months old baby must be lot of work, no wonder you are not updating us. sorry to hear about your medical problems again in Jan. though you are using best strategy of getting through it day by day and enjoy all good things those are happening in between. I will keep you and yor husband in my prayers.




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Mary, you are a wonderful woman, raising your own kids and now helping to raise the next generation. The work will wait...though you could suggest that you get the walls painted as a Mother's day


Sorry to hear you have had more problems but I am sure you will go on, you have such great strength and endurance. I know you will just find the energy from somewhere to make the most of your life. And the little one gives you a good reason to get up each day.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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