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I need an attitude adjustment



Well, here I am again b*tching about my neighbor lady. She continues to drive me bonkers. :head_hurts: Refer back to May 5, 2005."more grace needed" blog entry.

She doesn't drive, is widowed since 1998. Never learned to speak English very well, she's a war bride from Korea(I think she's tongue tied) She seems to be trying to control my and my husbands life...having him/me drive her to doctor appointments, to her church, to a miriad of things every day. It seems she can't get her errands narrowed down to one day a week and to get all she needs at one time. She 'needs' to go to the grocery store about every day for one thing or another.


My husband 'jumps' at her command to take her somewhere. She's always phoning or coming to over to our house to

ask a favor. We have caller ID and when I see that it's her calling, I answer, "What do you need, Helen?" realize she has no-one, no children, only her late husband's family. They've told us she's constantly calling them to help her with errands, or whatever.


Recently, she's made friends with another neighbor and has been asking her to give her rides. Poor Joyce, her husband is in the military and gone on duty,so she assists Helen.


She irritates the cr*p out of me. I can't express myself to convey how annoying she is.

On one hand I realize how lonely she is and helpless now that Clyde is gone. But, she just doesn't get it how she interferes with our lives.


Anyway that's my gripe, and I realize I need an attitude adjustment. Thank you for spending a few minutes to read this tripe.


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No dear, you do not need an attitude adjustment. Your response is human nature - perhaps we all need attitude adjustments lol. Reading your entry took me back in time - way before stroke - to an elderly couple that lived next door to my daughter and I in a complex. There was both of them present but they were not completely independent. They adopted my daughter and I as family, which was wonderful in some circumstances. On the flip side, they knew all our comings and goings - including if we attended church or not - and we'd be questioned as to the whats, hows, whys, and who's of our lives. My daughter was 2 when we moved there so she had no clue as the interference into our lives. The are both gone now; have been gone for many years. We hold fond memories in our hearts of our adopted family.


I pray for your patience.

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janice, just remember the good you both have in your heart to help others. i used to work for a doctor who had a couple as patients and i got very attached to them. they invited me over to their home numerous times to visit, he was a retired police officer with no family here. he had a on the job injury and was disabled, she was his caregiver for years. when he died, i realized how lonely his wife was, so i imposed my self on her to take her where she needed to go. she had no car and could not drive i took her shopping and out to eat every chance i got, invited her to my home for holiday dinners, took her out for mothers day etc. she was so funny, i really enjoyed her company, we always had a good time. now she is gone and i miss her terribly. i wasn't able to attend her funeral, i felt really bad about that, i loved her alot. prior to her death she had a stroke and i would go see her after work and feed her. sometimes we feel that people like that are disruptive to our lives, but put yourself in their shoes for a moment. i knew she appreciated all i did for her, but i felt she loved me as much as i her and my family did too. try and find some patience with her. you are helping another in need, isn't that why we are here on this earth. maybe you could talk to her about her timing or schedule certain days for taking her places. i am not trying to be mean, by what i said. only trying to help you see the good in what you are doing for her. god bless you both and i too pray for patience for you. for me its kinda like the loneliness i have now post stroke by friends that have left me.

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