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No News is Good News, I guess



It's been a long time since I last posted. Nothing of real significance to report. Life just keeps tumbling along. (Pun intended)

AND that means nothing bad to report as well as nothing good to report.


The only thing bad is that my MAC is dying or is dead. I've been having issues with it since mid February. It stopped 'talking' with the printer of which it had worked with for several years.

After fumbling around trying to 'fix' the problem, I've managed to screw it up big time so that now, I cannot open at least 3 programs without causing the mac to crash. One of which is my email programa that directly leads me to all my emails. :grrrr:

I have a G3 which will only work with OS 9. it won't work with the OS 10, so 2 of the local techs won't work on it unless it's 10 or higher. :head_hurts:


SOO, her I am forced to use my son's Gateway of which I know little. To add insult to the whole thing, the chair I must use is totally uncomfortable...sits way too low. I am forced to hold my hands a lot higher so I can type and I've had to delete a lot of things just to type this...


BTW, I was just reviewing a thread I had on the Decision 2008. There was one comment I'm not sure if I should be insulted or not. I forget who posted it, it was toward the end of the thread. He/she said he had just learned that people in Iowa can be smart or something to the like. Anyway, I got the impression he/she had previously thought people in Iowa are stupid. How degrading. I decided to post my rant here and not make a public post about it, as my blog is only visible to members.

Anyway, I really don't expect anyone to read my blog much less make a comment, as if I would ever have anything worth reading or commenting about.

It's ok if I'm the one putting myself down. :laughbounce:


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Janice, dearest, I am sure poeple in Iowa are just like people everywhere, good, bad and indifferent. I am sure glad you blog occassionally as being one of the "old crowd" I might think you were not with it anymore. That is obviously not the case. Hurray!


I guess after the first few years post stroke life gets very sam'ol, same 'ol and there is not a lot to blog about. I just natter on about whatever is in my mind and if people want to read it okay...if not????


Give us another offical update on hubby and family when you get the chance.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.


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Guest lwisman




People in Iowa and everywhere else are smart. Ok, every place has some stupid people. :D But, no location has a monopoly on smartness or stupidity.


Right now I am not too happy with those who are saying some states are more important than others. That is hogwash!


Good to see you back on the board. Hope you can get your computer figured out. They can be a pain, but are really important to a lot of us.

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Hi Janice,


Just popped in to say, "Hi." It's been a long time. I'm glad your computer is the biggest problem you've had lately. Although when a computer is a life-line to the world it can be frustrating beyond the pale.



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I was so glad that you popped in to say hello. I still remember your comfort words to me in my troubled times, and wish more oldtimers stick around & support all these newbies who are still in their whyme phase.


do drop us a line from time to time.





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