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Looking back over the past , almost 2 years... I wish I had kept a daiy journal. I never have kept one, but It would be interesting to see how far we have come and how the tides of change come and go.


I still stand amazed at how he seems to be fine, like before all this happened, but yet, he really isnt. He is doing very well at hideing his affects of the stroke. and also some what in denial. I have noticed this depression. I do not know how to deal with it. After the stroke, he has been very sweet, and happy. But now he has taken a change. I am wondering if it is depression. I really do not believe I am messing up with everything he says I am. He just seems to be irritated with everything. He thinks his cardio Dr wants him off he anti depressant. But in reality, the Dr was just agreeing with him, that it would be good if he could get off of it. And he gets angry when I try to correct his understanding. I really dont know how to react to all this.


After 35 years of marrage, I dont ever want to give up on him, on us. But sometimes, I wonder If i know him. If I ever knew him. And if he really knows me.


I really think if he would see my psychologist, his antidepresant would be changed, and maybe, just maybe... Things would start being better.


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I truly sympthasize with all you caregivers. sometimes we survivors take out our anger on people we love the most, is it possible maybe he is pointing out all your deficiencies to hide his own. maybe pointing out to make you feel you both are still at the same footing. I think it could be selfesteem issue and changing antidepression pills will defintely help. also encourage him to write down his blessings and maybe try to use this board and blogs to journalize his thoughts, I know it helped me immensely during my low ride.




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Babs, I agree with Asha, he is pointing out your deficiencies to hide his own. So maybe handling things differently would help. Our dementia support mentor says to only challenge what is dangerous, so if he puts the coffee in the sugarbowl instead of his cup let him drink it! He has us laughing with his examples.


We use an expression here that fills in when someone is critising you we say: "you think so?" it doesn't mean you are agreeing or arguing, just acknowledging what the person said, so then you walk off. Let as much as you can go by, arguments are energy sapping so it is harder to work and worry, easier to just get on with daily living.


The changes in personality are often bewildering both to the surviver and the caregiver so I guess it is hard to come to term with it in someone who otherwise from outward appearances seems so normal. I think it is from the brain being damaged combined with the ageing process.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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