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well, the Pope has been buried sad.gif and Charles and Camilla will marry tomorrow. We got a good nights sleep last night and today has been really good. Got a lot of little things done that needed doing - like emptying the dirty mop water from yesterday, dusting the ceiling fans, starting on my quilt. I love to quilt but don't really like putting them together. I am four behind. Sometimes they go together really easy and then again, they are a problem. This one is for my exes family reunion in June. I got custody of the family in our divorce. I was a part of their lives for 35 years and they still belong to me. His oldest sister still calls me her baby sister. I just love that. She will come spend weekends with Hans and me and I love her and love having her. I think that kinda chaps my ex but hey, he divorced me so who cares what he likes.


Hans and I took a really late nap and now we don't want to go to bed and it's late. So much for my resolve to get us on a better schedule. Oh, well, we didn't get this way in a week so I guess it will take a while to break those old habits. I explained to him that we had to do better. He gave me that blank look and kinda smiled. He really likes being spoiled (and I just love spoiling him).


Only one more day to doctor Aunt Ruby's cat. When we take her to the Vet tomorrow, I sure hope she is ok. She's so old and I'm terribly afraid that she is going to have to be put down soon and that will break AR's heart. The cat is 20 years old and has been sick more that she is well. We are constantly taking her to the Vet or doctoring her. Fortunately, I can handle her pretty good and get the pills and liquids down her little throat and AR has lots of money to care for her. One time that we took her, she had to stay in the Kitty Hospital and when we picked her up three days later, her bill was over $500.00. Aunt Ruby just pulled out the check book and had me write a check for it without even blinking. I wish I could do that. (and the check be good).


I did my 100 Things About Me and had to stop. I guess at this age, I know myself pretty well and could probably have listed 150 things easily.


We are waiting on another great-grand baby tonight. This little one is not due for another 2 1/2 months but she is trying her best to be born early. It is my prayer that she and her mother are ok when this is all over. This will be number 17. 8 little boys and 9 little girls. We have five that are the same age. Boy was that a busy year. Madison is the oldest and when little Angelina gets here, she will be the youngest. There's J. T. , Kenny, Garrick, Joshua, Phelicity, Samantha, Alyssa, Conner, Ryan, Jazmine, Trinity, Krystin, Rhea Beth, Caleb and Ethan. Boy, it's hard to believe that I can name them all.


Well, on that note, I am exhausted and think, I will try to get Mr. Himself to go to bed so I can too.


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