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More SNF horrors



There HAS to be a way to get Larry out of the SNF and home. I spent the whole day there today, and it is beyond horrible. The smell...the sounds...the staff that is totally institutionalized and does not care...the over-medication...the list just doesn't end. Despite my resolution yesterday not to be a victim of the stroke anymore, I sure feel like a victim today. How do you fight this? The system is so huge, and they seem to have all the power.


I'm going to make out a budget and see what would happen if I trimmed every ounce of fat out of the finances. Could I stay home then and quit working to care for Larry? At least for a while? I would still have to hire someone to help, since I don't know how to do the skilled nursing procedures, but I have to think that anything would be better than the place he is now - think peeling wallpaper, torn curtains, a window that looks out at a blank wall and a cement floor, and pretty much total incompetence. I will change diapers, cook special food, live at the poverty level; whatever I have to do. There has to be a way. I think his family would help some with the money, if it was within reason. Larry will collect his full salary until the end of the year, and maybe I could live on that. It would at least buy us that much time. Also, I can stay on his medical insurance for free for as long as I live, which is very lucky. Still, I've worked all my life. The idea of not having a job is frightening, but I don't think I can live with myself if I don't try to find a way out of this situation. These people will kill him, or make him not want to live anymore, which is the same thing.


I may not be able to manage it, I really don't know. It hasn't even been a month, and I'm still sorting out what the monthly expenses really are (a lot of stuff is automatic debit, so I just have to wait for things to hit and then see what they are). Even though Larry has a Ph.D. and I barely graduated from high school I still make a lot more money than he does - sad commentary on the value placed on education.


So, I'm really down again today. On the plus side, I didn't melt down, and I didn't take Xanax or any other medication, so maybe I'm learning to accept that this is going to be reality for a while. On the negative side, this is really an unbearable situation and something has to give or one day soon I am just not going to be able to get out of bed and deal with this anymore.




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This is way out of my realm. I'm a survivor not a caregiver so I don't have a clue. I think you'd get a great deal more feedback on this from other caregivers who may have suggestions from similar experience if you pose it to the board where it will get more exposure.


Maria :friends:

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I agree with Maria, on board you wil get more feedback from caregiver's point of view. I know all caregivers in the begining went through same insecure feelings you are going through, and everybody has their own coping mechanism. for hubby and me being spiritual helped big deal. you need to snap out of your own grief. you can get through this & get larry also out of this with positive ttitude. more Larry becomes independent in his ADL quicker he will be able to come home. I usually feel nursing homes are depressing place to be in. BTW what helped me in initial down days was writing only 5 blessings every day, during those times it was hard to find even 1. but I did, and I m gld I did that, allowed me to look beyond my selfpity stage.




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OK, that sounds like a good idea; I'll post this in the forum instead. I'm still working out what goes into blog and what goes into forum...


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This is fine for a blog....you just sounded like you needed some help too. We wanted to be sure you got all the feedback and help you can get

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You'll get the hang of it Janine. One good rule of thumb - want feedback and answers to questions, post on the message board. Need to vent and receive general support and encouragement blog. We don't want you to feel alone out there. Just from your blog entry, you've gotten responses from survivors. Our caregivers have more in-depth knowledge and many monitor the message boards more closely or on a daily basis.

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