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Wishing for more hours in the day....



It is hard being back to work. I see Larry from 6:30 AM until 7:00 AM, when I have to leave for work, and then again from about 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM, when I have to go home and feed the animals, water the plants, and deal with all the other high-maintenance stuff that seemed like such a good idea at the time! Thank goodness my main plant fixation is succulents and cacti, and they don't need much fussing over.


Larry was feeling OK this evening, no more back pain. He had hot dogs and chili for dinner, which I would never put on the table at home, and seemed to like it quite a bit. We are both going to be on a much healthier diet when he comes home, but for now I'll take anything that gets him to eat.


I got the charge nurse to let me look at the chart and spent an hour going through it. I used to be a life insurance underwriter, and although I don't know what everything means I do know how to read it and can figure out most of it. Amazing what is in there that is just plain wrong! For example, it says in several places that Larry weighs 212 pounds. In his dreams, maybe, but nowhere else. I was there last week when they weight him and came in with 272. Someone missed that it was a "7" not a "1". What else might be wrong in there, you have to wonder! Anyway, I was able to see the ST, OT and PT notes, and they were about what I expected - progress being made, but it's slow.


A dear friend is coming this weekend to install the Web cam in Larry's room for when he comes home. I'm going to put it in a hidden place, and then watch from work. I can have Larry up on one monitor and the work I'm doing on the other. I'm so relieved that we're doing this...I know it will give me peace of mind.


Nothing else for today. I'm tired, and ready to crawl into bed. These are some very long days!




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