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one of my pet peeves



I remember when I was still in a wheelchair and I went shopping with my sister, We went into a shoe store, I needed new shoes. My sister was pushing my wheelchair and a salesperson came up to us and talked to my sister over my head as if I wasn't there. He asked what we needed and my sister told him that I was the one who needed shoes. He proceeded as if I wasn't there and asked her what size of shoes I needed. I was so angry. Right then and there, in front of this abnoxious guy I told my sister to get me out of there. I understand that some people do not know how to act in front of a disabled person, maybe managers should teach new employees how to deal with customers with disabilities so they don't loose their business because they sure lost my business that day.


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So sorry this happened to you. I can understand fully as it's happened to me as well. I've experienced too, trying to walk into an establishment, battling to open the door while managing my walker. I ended up doinf got myself as no one would assist me. I succeeded but it was frustrating.

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I am so sorry you had to deal with these kind of people, but I am sure you taught him lesson & he might be careful handling another disabled customer.




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I have not had this experience myself, but I would have taken the opportunity to educate that sales person. I would have spoken directly to him and told him what I was looking for. Your sister should refer to you if this happens again. It is possible this person has dealt with others who could not speak for themselves. It doesn't help to get angry. I find it is better to give the other person the benefit of a doubt and let them know what I am capable of doing. And I always have a big smile on my face, If someone is rude, I ignore it. It is their problem.



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I have not had this experience myself, but I would have taken the opportunity to educate that sales person. I would have spoken directly to him and told him what I was looking for. Your sister should refer to you if this happens again. It is possible this person has dealt with others who could not speak for themselves. It doesn't help to get angry. I find it is better to give the other person the benefit of a doubt and let them know what I am capable of doing. And I always have a big smile on my face, If someone is rude, I ignore it. It is their problem.



Good attitude. You are right, I should have educated him instead of getting angry, I let that chance slip away because now I walk and do my shopping by myself and I am not shy about asking for special services when needed, like packing my groceries at a serve yourself stores. Thanks for your comment.



24 year survivor

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