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I can do anything. . .



I used to make my friends laugh because I always said "If I want to do something, I will find away to do it and if I don't want to do something, I have a great excuse not to do it" In my 30's I joined the the boy scouts more precisely the cubs. At first I volunteered as cook for camps and I loved it so the following year I became Baghera the panther (so what I limped and wasn't as agile as my namesake. I had fun. The year after that I took over the group as Akela. I used to go on hikes with the boys and every once in a while. I'd sit to take a break so everybody took a break at the same time. Then I would get up and tell everyone they were a bunch of lazy cubs (joking , trying to make as they were not on break because of me. That made people laugh too, I was quite the clown and I enjoyed every minute especially because my kids were there too. My oldest was a cub and my youngest just followed us until he was 9 and joined also.I was there for 5 years, when it became a bit much for me, I joined the Optimist club and did that a few years until I had to choose, my paying job or volunteering, The choice was easy, I like to eat though I miss doing volunteer work, it is so rewarding.


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hey Marie:


I just came back from my weeklong stint at my son's camp volunteering for whole week. I agree with you so much volunteering is much more rewardig than any of my other jobs. specially this kind of volunteering where I know I am making huge difference in my only child's life. I feel I found my pupose in surviving the debilitating stroke. though I can gladly say today I did not want allow stroke to win over me.




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hey Marie:


I just came back from my weeklong stint at my son's camp volunteering for whole week. I agree with you so much volunteering is much more rewardig than any of my other jobs. specially this kind of volunteering where I know I am making huge difference in my only child's life. I feel I found my pupose in surviving the debilitating stroke. though I can gladly say today I did not want allow stroke to win over me.



With an attiitude like that you will be able to say someday "It wasn't always easy but I did it" Also think of the life lesson you are teaching your child. Go Girl!


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