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school, break, the walk, e.t.c



Hello everybody,

Well I did not do so well on midterms. I have 4 out of 5 of my grades posted. 2 As, 1 B, and 1 C so far. I cant really feel relieved that midterms are over. Instead, it is more stress for me to do better. I do pat myself on the back for pulling a B and C in the clases I had Fs in. I am now a team leader and financial secretary in one of the clubs Im in and the webmaster of another club. I am also a member of 2 other clubs and 2 student leadership programs Soon I will be doing community service with the elementary schools and mentoring and tutoring elementary and middle school students. I have to complete 30 hours of community service as a scholarship requirement and it is pressure to get the hours done ASAP since it is already halfway through the semester. Keep me in your prayers PLEASE

I did not have much of a fall break. As some of you know from chat, I have spent the last 3 days reading Dracula for my English Lit Honors class. Well I am on page 55. Hopefully I will have page 331 read before Monday. Pray for me PLEASE.

As some of you also know from chat, I went to the Start! Heart Walk today. It was not really what I expected. I did not really meet any new people. I invited my mom to walk with me so I could have someone to lean on when I got tired. I seen one person who had a stroke when I was leaving but mostly everyone there were donators from companies or families of people with heart disease. It did feel good to walk the 5 miles though and crossing the Finish line after walking non stop was a wonderful feeling. I am glad I could participate and yes I was wearing the stroke survivor t-shirt I purchased from the strokenet store. I wore it with pride.

In other news, I finally talked to the school counselor the other day. It did not really help as always. I am still stressed and lonely and just not feeling like my usual self. Everytime someone ask me how Im doing, I always say ok, and they always say just ok?It gets kind of annoying when everyone ask that. I always say Yes Just ok! I wish I could say Great but that would be a lie. I just feel like there is something missing. I am such a complainer, I always want what I cant have then when I do get it I dont appreciate it. Im never satisfied. I think I just need a close friend right now. Someone I can talk to. Someone I can relax with after class. Someone I can go out and have fun with on weekends. All I do is study, go to meetings, stress, and worry (and pray).

I drove some more today.I actually drive a pretty good distance. Once Sunday morning I drove a good 10 miles from my apartment to church on the other side of town. My dad is talking about taking me on a road trip to maybe the border or South Carolina so I can practice changing lanes once I get better at driving. I hope the DMV will see me fit for a license next July. I will definately have enough practice.

Well i am sorry this is so long. I really dont have anyone else to talk to so I just go on and on in the blogs. Thanks for listening everyone. I dont know what I would do without you all


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Dear Adopted Niece of ours,


Of course you've got my ever continuous prayers for you. When you previously said that you were not doing well in your classes, I never though that not doing well was 2A's, 1B, and a C thus far. We are are own worse critics. I remember back to my college days (I starting attending college at age of 38). If there was any chance of not receiving an A in a class I was beating myself over it. Please please try to relax before you develop an ulcer over all the wory. You are an intelligent young lady.


WhooHooo for you making th entire 5 miles. I'm so so proud of you fot the accomplishment. If you are tired or sore over the next few days from the walk, please go gentle on yourself, ok?


Your schedule is pretty hectic with your studies and meetings. The mentoring you do will be worthwhile - any student having you as a mentor should feel honored. Am I biased? You bet I am; I'm a proud Auntie :big_grin:


Best of luck and prayers with your driving. The road trip with your Dad sounds super - sounds like he's finalizing accepting you are growing up. Thst's a tough step for a parent. My daughter turned 16 in August and I'm still adjusting :wink:

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Katrina, Good job, you are doing better than you think, like Donna said, we are our own worst critics, I cant tell you how many times a week my son and husband tell me, Mom, Ann don't be so hard on yourself or quit beating yourself up. You are right, you need to get away from all the chaos, I always feel much better if I do. whether it be a walk, floral design, or just hanging out with a friend, or landscaping or raking leaves. We (strokees and everyone) need that time to regenerate. Your doing the 5 mile with your mom is great. Sounds like you have a friend in her, at times, I wish I had a daughter to hang out with. Boys just don't "hang out" with their mothers. :) Have a great remaining weekend. you are doing good, ok not great, but good and that to me is better than bad. right :)



P.S. I really do care about you Katrina.. Hope you know that.

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You are not an ingrate. Most of us don't appreciate what we have. Part of that is that I think we are almost taught to equate appreciation with a feeling of happiness and euphoria and when we attain something and that doesn't happen, we feel like we should feel happier as a sense of appreciation. Unfortunately that does not always happen because most times we've built up whatever it was in our heads so much that it isn't that we don't appreciate it. It's more that it isn't what we had built it up to be. So you're not an ingrate, you may just be trying to find happiness in places it may illude you. You can't go through life saying "I'll be happy when..." First, You'll get so conditioned to always looking for the next when, you'll miss out on the present moment. Secondly, by doing that you're always focused on the negative. I always try to look at rough times as symptomatic of the time. Everything is months or maybe even sometimes a year away from looking back upon and thinking ick glad that's over. Things change, life goes on and things brighten up again....just like that poof you're happy again. It might not be what you think you want, but you might be surprised that may just not be what will make you truly happy anyway.

As long as you know you did your best on your mid-terms, which I'm sure you did, that's all that matters. What is also relative is what they were in.

BTW-What is your major? I don't remember you ever telling us.

Great job with the walk. I'm sure you were an inspiration to many as always!

Try to stay awake through Dracula- it's a little(okay very)dry. Did this guy think timing it around Halloween might make it more appealing? NOT

Blog til your little fingers are sore. Do we seem like we mind?

Maria :hug:

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Hi Katrina,


Based on the number of clubs and projects ahead of you, I think it would be great if you could clone yourself and become two Katrinas!!! Girl, you just never stop, do you? Your mid-term grades were great - nothing to be ashamed of, instead, those grades should be celebrated! We'll celebrate for you!!! :happydance: "Just ok" is just great. I'd much rather hear "just ok" from someone who shares how they are feeling honestly than "great" from someone who mouths those words because they are supposed to do so. I think it becomes uncomfortable with people who WANT to hear "great" so they don't have to become involved, don't you? It's too bad. On that note, with the number of clubs you are involved in, I'm sure there is someone waiting for a best friend. You know how it works, I know. The old "you have to be a friend to have a friend" thing. When I moved to North Carolina seven years ago I left my best friends in Michigan. Lots of "stuff" came along and my friends received many calls when I was feeling awful. Then I joined a couple of groups and once again became interested in other people. It wasn't long before I naturally gravitated to a couple of women who I now consider best friends. I know I could call them and they'd come running - and I'd do the same for them. I'll remind you once more about that old adage, "you have to be a friend to have a friend". It's ok to sit back and look around - you'll find that woman, or women with whom you feel a natural kinship. At 59 I've learned it isn't something you can force, there is a real naturalness to a best friend relationship and by looking and listening you'll find her - or them - at just the right time.


Please don't ever stop writing your blogs. It's so fun to hear what you are doing. Like Donna, I was a late bloomer - earning my bachelor's degree at 50! (I was even OLDER than Donna!) I remember how busy I was. The fact that you take time for us is a real blessing to everybody here who loves you and wants the very best for you!


You are in my prayers - I hope we can meet one day!!


Love, Ann

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hey Katrina:


after what all other aunties said I can't add more to it except to tell you, you did great girl. after being involved in so many activities & so many lubs I am plain surprised with grades you got. you are brilliant girl who likes to be hard on herself. let's celebrate all your achievements. 5 mile walk with mom is something. I will now have to raise my bar and walk some more:). at 38 I still complain I don't have best girlfriend. but I think I will also listen to Ann now in building friendship.


so proud of you Katrina and please don't stop blogging. we love to hear about you & you never know whose life you are touching by writing these blogs.




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