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Hard Worker



My hubby is such a hard worker...he does his regular 40 hr/wk job which actually is more like 60 hr /wk...overtime.

Then he goes to his sister's on Saturday(this morning) and spreads dirt and hauls stuff to the dump.

Then he goes to neighbor's back yard....the mister(Del) died in March. Hubby proceeds to move the junk Del had laying all around and stack it in the corner of the yard and then re-seed grass seed in the places where grass hasn't been able to grow for years. All of this is at his own expense.

Then Hubby goes to his friend's house...friend is adding a garage so he can do junk with his car.

Then, Hubby will shoot pictures for a sorority's 40th anniversary this afternoon and then again tonight for their formal.

This man doesn't know when to stop.

Is it any wonder that I love him so?

He has more character than 10 people put together.


The worst part is I get so lonely with him gone doing for others. But, how can I complain, what he's doing is exactly one of the reasons I married the man.

BTW In spite of his character, he doesn't know squat about anything mechanical...can't run the DVD player. Doesn't come near the computer, which is fine by me.

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are you TRYING to make me DEPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am SO jealous of you. but, i am happy for you at the same time. lucky lady, and i KNOW he's a lucky man!!!!!

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