my husband likes christmas. he hangs up his cranky attitude in december and everywhere he goes he wears his red velveteen hat with the big white pom pom. the thing is he has a pure white beard and a tummy of some substance and he often causes a stir with little children. yesterday he was walking our dog sasha around the our condo in his red vest wearing "the hat". he noticed two little kids jumping up and down in our neighbor charlotte's the picture window. their grandmother opened the front door and out came the visiting grand kids yelling santa, santa! of course barry played along and even got sugar cookie - Sasha did not have her reindeer antlers on so she was not taken for donnor or blitzen. charlotte came over later and said that santa's impromptu visit was a huge hit. in the 28 years i have known barry he has always worn "the hat", but since his beard turned white he manages to cause a commotion or two every december. hmmmmm, i wonder if our grandson will think he has an in with the north pole folks?
well, we put up our wreath, decorated the mantle and barry found our two foot "charlie brown" fiber optic christmas tree and put it on the buffet. along with candles in the window my decorating is complete. i used to really do up the house but i am pretty much happy with simple these days.
my folks arrive tomorrow by train for a week's visit. they are both in their eighties so i am lucky to have them so healthy. i am so trying not to stress cause they really do not understand my stroke. they are in their own world. i need to relax and not worry about everything being perfect. i am just getting over a cold and have not been able to do much of the getting ready i wanted.
our condo is quite small so we are giving them our bedroom cause they can have their own bath and we will sleep on the pullout in the computer room. barry is already crabbing...he needs to wear his happy hat 24/7.
we have about 5 inches of snow and it is still coming down hard. like most survivors the cold is awful hard on me . my right hand and arm are still causing me a lot of pain. i called the doctor and have an appointment at the end of that time it will either be better or have fallen off. LOL
so, on that note i will sign off and wish everyone a happy holiday season. kathy
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