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100 things about me



Okay, Here goes my 100 thing list:


1. I was 27 when I had my stroke

2. I am now 29 yrs. old

3. I was only 23 when I had heart surgery on a congenital cleft mitral valve

4. Dr.'s think that my stroke was caused from my mitral valve throwing a clot

5. I was bulemic and anorexic in high school and college.(for 8yrs)

6. I was in college when I admitted I had a problem,and seeked help.

7. I was once broken up with in college for being "too superficial"

8. In college I accidently dated 2 married men. They didn't tell me they were married.

9. I met my husband in college at a drunken party,that I went to with another guy.

10. I knew that he was someone special the first night we met.

11. Before my stroke, I was a 3rd grade teacher.

12. I am now searching fo my new passion.

13. I am a stay-at-home mom with my 4 1/2 yr. old.

14. Staying home is one of my fav. and hardest jobs I have yet had.

15. I had a hard time accepting the reality of my stroke,and therapist told me I was in denial,which made me very mad.

16. Before stroke, My left hand was a very talented artist,who could paint anything that it wanted to.

17. I still do not like my right hand,but I am glad that it is working for the left. The right hand needs to learn more fine motor skills.


18. Before my stroke, I used to stay up all night painting, if I was very inspired and excited about my project.


19. My first real boyfriend died in March,which has really shaken me up,car crash.

20. I feel guilty not being able to earn a decent income since my stroke.

21. Which in turn, makes me feel very dependent on my husbands salary.

22. I love being able to sleep as long as I want,until Daughter wakes up :bouncing_off_wall:

23. It will break my heart when she goes to Kindergarten.

24. I will have to remind myself, not to wear any eye make-up the first day of school for her.

25. I was born and raised in the same house my parents live in now.

26. I have only moved once,to college and ended up making my college town, my new home-town.

27. I am still wearing my church dress from this morning.

28. I have gained weight since being married. Almost doubled my married weight.

I am now on a diet to get to my wedding weight.

29. It is scary being on a diet after recovering from an eating disorder.

30. I have met a wonderful female survivor from stroke network! Who I consider to be a good friend!

31. I have lost some self esteem since stroke.

32. I am a redhead.

33. I now dye my hair the natural color to cover up gray hair.

34. I am a Methodist. I grew up Southern Baptist.

35. One of my best friends is living in Costa Rica. She is in the Peace Corps.

36. I dated pot heads in college.

37. My roommate in college was my best friend from high school.

38. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister

39. My neice died at 2 days old in 2002

40. I will find out Thursday if my sister is having a boy or girl.:

41. I love being an aunt! :cloud9:

42. I was not a virgin when I got married. <_<

43. I wish I would have been.

44. I still fantisize about college carefree healthy life. :beer:

45. I failed a couple of classes in college for not caring and being depressed. :angry2:

46. In rehab. I fantisized about killing myself with the string I pulled to turn the light on with. :bop:

47. That scared me to death :(

48. I was scared to tell anybodyb/cfear I would have to stay longer in hospital. :blush:

49. I have never thought of that idea since, thank goodness :head_hurts:

50. My favorite bands in high school were Motley Crue, Poison, Skid Row, and Ozzy Osbourne. :forgive_me?:

51. I have seen Ozzy twice in concert. :blah_blah:

52. The last concert I went to was Springfield, MO. symphony orchestra

53. I think about if I will ever be able to teach again. <_<

54. I held a lot of self worth, from my job :)

55. I have a living will to fill out this week, since Terri S. situation.

56. I had my stroke, while I was brushing my teeththe morning before work

57. I had picked up smoking cigerettes secretly before stroke, and was too ashamed to tell anybody.

58. I will not be around cigerette smoke to this day.

59. I love my in laws

60. My dad had an affair when I was in middle school, that I still haven't forgiven him of.

61. I need to give forgiveness

62. One of my biggest fears is my husband being unfaithful.

63.I found out that my oldest brother is experimenting with drugs, and it breaks my heart. :bop:

64. I was molested as a child.

65. I am a very overprotective mother.

66.One of my high school jobs,was a swimming instructor,privately at my parents house.

67. My income has been cut in half since my stroke.

68. I am happier,now than I was before I had my stroke. :gleam:

69. My husband found me lying on the bedroom floor after I had my stroke.

70. My speech was slurred, and he tought I was drunk before work,even though we had 0 liquor in the house.

71. I loved being on morphine in the hospital.

72. It just sucked being the only one high in the room. :big_grin:

73. Since my stroke I have been able to get off of my antidepressant

74. One of my fav.t.v. shows is sex and the city. :friends:

75. Growing up, my parents would not let us watch thr show Roseanne or Sally Jessy Raphael. :hehehe:

76. My sister and I would sneak around and watch it. :hahaha:

77. Sonce stroke I am enjoying watching Roseanne on Nick-at-Nite.:

78. I had no Idea that Darlene had a baby! :giggle:

79. I am anticipating the movie Dukes of Hazzard to come to theatre :hahaha:

80. I hope I live to see this age,if healthy enough.

81. I am afraid of dying,even though I am a Christian.

82. Im high school my parents threw away a lot of my tapes b/c they thought they were inappropriate. :hehehe:

83. My parenting is opposite of my parents

84. I love being a parent and making parenting decisions

85. I have been to Dinsey World twice,as a child.

86. I have never been outside of the United States.

87. I have only ridden in a little commuter plane,never a jet.

88. I am a pet owner of a Dalmatain with allergy and ear problems :

89. I adopted my dog from a former student of mine who was moving

90. Tomorrow I plan to Steam Clean my carpets.

91. I hate having an inside pet, due to pet hair on carpet

92. I have been diagnposed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

93. I still go to occupational and physical therapy

94. I have not settled for the stage I am at in recovery.

95. My left arm will come back to life.

96. I feel God has a bigger picture for me than I seemed was planned,due to being a survivor.

97. I am nursing a sprained ankle, due to getting cocky and not wearing ankle brace.

98. My bother is an engineer,and married an engineer.

99. My cardiologist discouraged pregnancy, but I took the plunge anyway.

100. I feel lucky to be a Mommy,and I love it.


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Thanks for doing your hundred things list. I feel like I know you a lot better now. You've had some hard challenges for someone so young!




P.S. We have a passion for painting in common. I know you'll be able to make the hand switch with practice. Artistic people can do that.

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hey amy,


you and i have been through many of the same things in our lives. i am glad you posted this so i can know you better!!!! jean is right, artistic people can always find a way!!!! i know you will.


kim pash.gif

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hey Amy:


I was so happy to see your blog this morning, you came to site with the big bang, Since we have talked many times before, I thought I knew you better than anybody but guess what I learnt lot more about you from your 100 list, I knew you were very good parent and loved your family a lot, but i did not know that you are pplanning for other onem guess that will make me aunt of the baby, at young age you have gone through lot of trials in your life, I think as lomg as we learn from our trials, no trials is negative one, all could be positive.




lots of love


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