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i have done a complete re-assessment of my personal views on certain beliefs i hold in the last fews month to try to make sense out of them. maybe writing it will jolt my brain. bop.gif



i believe in pro choice and the death penalty but think that murder is wrong. how can i believe in part but not in whole. where did i get the idea that some forms of murder are acceptable, and some not. how is murder truly defined, i wonder. we have "justifiable homicide", and legal abortion at certain trimesters and not others. is it a baby at 91 days, but not at 90 days? why is it okay to save the mother's life in place of the unborn if there is an equal chance of only one surviving. who decides which life is more important. why can't people legally end their own lives with assisted suicide when terminal, but they can take an overdose of sleeping pills and end it all, but without compassionate painless help. uhm.gif


i don't like cut flowers in a vase. i derive much more pleasure by seeing a beautiful garden rather than dying flowers in a glass jar. i feel sad when a flower's life is taken for it to die. but i don't mind plucking a tomato off of a vine or picking an apple off of a tree, or pulling a potato from the ground. how is a flower''s life more important to me than a vegetable. is it because a flower is more beautiful or that i can eat the vegetable? flowers.gif


i will eat a steak, but wouldn't be caught dead in a fur coat, or have a bear skin rug or a deer head above my fireplace. i won't even use products i know to be tested on animals. but i'll slather on the bbq sauce on a rib in a minute. why is a mink's or deer's life more important to me than a pig or cow? is it because they are so cute? i don't know. sad.gif


i'm not sure if this is social conditioning, rationalizations, or years of tradition in my belief systems. but it makes no sense. no sense at all. how can i think one think is okay, and another similar thing unacceptable. i JUST don't know. i will have to think about it some more i guess. uhm.gifhead_hurts.gifuhm.gif


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There is great merit in watching cut flowers go through their cycle of life. They are a reminder that life is fleeting and fragile and to be treasured while it lasts. That is the reason we sent them to funerals. "To everything there is a season...."


I don't feel the least bit bad about having cut flowers in the house, and I do often. Many varieties in the market place are grown in 3rd world countries now which has helped their economies a lot in the past few decades. And buying cut flowers that come from bulbs plants actually helps spread them as landscaping plants around the world....they are by-products of the bulb industry. No one could buy bulbs to plant in their yards if the bulb companies didn't raise those bulbs and they have to cut the flowers to get good bulbs that will sell at affordable prices. Can you tell I was in the floral industry for 20 years?


Many things in life that look simple on the surface are really complex and many things that seem complex, are really simple.



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YES i could tell that you were in the floral industry!!!!! you could write a psa for them. lol. you are right, about the complex and simple statement. i haven't figured which is which yet.



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Kim this comes from my Wife we both read your blog and she would like to respond . She feels very strongly about the abortion issue not only was she a victim of the lies from Dr's. But for years her heart has gone out to the unborn through God she has been healed for the guilt. However we as human beings are not hear to judge the innocent unborn, for they are life from the very beginning. We must not take life that is given, God gives life and he shall take it in his timing for we are just passing through here and have a more beautiful place to be after we leave this place called Earth .
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