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Fully released!



Well, I have now been released from all my doctors! biggrin.gifhappydance.gif I went for my final follow up with my obgyn on the 5th and she said that I was all healed up and that everything looked good. blush.gif She asked if Lee had given any more thought on getting a vasectomy and we told her that he was having the procedure done that very afternoon. blush.gif So now that he is "fixed" we shouldn't have to worry about my getting pregnant again.


I admit that a part of me is sad at the thought of not having another baby. We wanted the last one sooooo bad. Sob.gif But God knows what is best for us. Maybe someday He will open the door to adoption for us. In a way it is a relief. All of my kids are old enough to help out around the house now and that gives Lee and I more time with each other. And as they continue to get older we are able to have a deeper "friendship" relationship with each of them. It's neat to be able to carry on a conversation with them and not have to "parent" them all the time.


I went to my Stroke Specialist on the 13th and he said I was doing great; That I was at about 98% in my recovery and said he was releasing me. To get on living my life. I told him that I hoped I didn't offend him, but that I would be very happy to NEVER see him again. lol_2.gif He did tell me to keep taking the 81 mg. of baby aspirin I am on.


So as of now I'm threw with all doctors save for the once a yr. check up everyone should receive.


I have also been praying about and researching the possibility of homeschooling. My step-daughters mother said a flat NO to me homeschooling them. But I have come to the decision that it is what is best for my son. So as of the next school yr. that starts in Aug. he will be homeschooled. He and I are very excited about it. It will be hard work for both of us, but I really feel that this is what God is calling me to do and will be well worth it.


Well, I'm tired and am going to bed now. That's my update so far.

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