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i'm going to "shirt tail " a creative flow here ( thanks cinder, i hated to be a copy cat, now i don't have to be, but i guess i AM copycatting you now) lol_2.gif




SMELLS I HATE angry.gif


1) wet dog

2) dirty litter box

3) rotten eggs

4) poots

5) body odor

6) sewage

7) sour mop

8) cabbage cooking

9) death




SMELLS I LOVE biggrin2.gif


1) jovan cologne on a man

2) a pot of chilli cooking on the stove

3) flowers

4) freshly cut lemons

5) baking cookies

6) clothes just out of the dryer

7) an herb garden

8) a cat's head

9) baby oil

10)ocean air



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Are those herbs anti-seizure herbs???? Inquiring minds want to know???


Charles beer.gifbiggrin2.gifbiggrin.gifflowers.giflol_2.gifgleam.gifhappydance.gifhead_hurts.gifwicklaugh.giflaugh.gifroflmao.giflol_1.gif

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I think poots are...ummm... body noises? I second Kim's list. So I don't have to do one of my own. All except the cats head, that about made me gag. In it's place would be my blueberry muffins candle.

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ok janice,

poot is a polite southern word for fart. and cinder, you could replace the cat's head with peppy's, and CHARLES, you will have to ask rod about those kinds of herbs, i meant for spicing up food, not my head!!! lol




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