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party torture



Today's the day. The in laws have started arriving already. I pick up the cake at 10, meet people at the hotel at two, the party for 39 people who RSVP'ed, actually starts at 6.

I've figured 45 will show up - (free beer after all) - because, half the people don't know RSVP means "just tell me if you are going to drop by - I don't care if you can't stay long"


I should be sleeping now. I'm hosting a party tonight when I haven't been awake after 9 o clock since the stroke. I should really nap today but, I don't have time.


I'm taking my car to whitney's - mostly because I figure if I can't stay up until the wee hours I can sneak out and I'll have a get away car there. Of course, I haven't driven at night since August - but, JT whitneys is only three blocks away from my house.


I'm really nervous but, Cinder and Pam will be there tonight. I'm sure they'll remind me of anything I've forgotten, and I'm counting on them to make conversation with the people Jerry works with. You see none of them know me - they just know, I'm the wife that had the stroke.


Pam and Cinder can talk to my in laws too. The 6 sister in laws that will sit in the corner and gossip about people I don't know. One lives in Texas, one's in Conn., two are from Ill., and one's in Milwaukee, and they still know each other's neighbors and friends. I guess my friends and neighbors are safe from the gossip - since they've never been here and they don't know anyone!


I should really invite TR - (our neighbor with the "Patriotic bend") to come out and sing his karioke version of God Bless America. That would give them something to talk about.

My best friend, Connie is known for her duets of "I've got you babe" with any single man that's drunk enough to sing...but, she's not going to make it to the party so, I can't count on her for entertainment or support!


Wish me luck tonight - I'll need it just to get through the evening. I've realized it's only a "party" for the guests - It's a friendly version of torture for the host. head_hurts.gif



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Home girl, You're facing the wrong way, looking at this party thing all wrong! You are having it at a restaurant, they are going to be doing all the work, for gods sake, take a deep breath, quit trying to impress, show up and enjoy. You've got to learn to loosen up and relax a bit. Pop a couple shots if you can't relax. You have blown this party up to mammoth proportions in your mind, stop it, it isn't life or death you know! Get some perspective on this vicki.And if it the truth shows up that you can't throw a party as well as pre stroke, then oh well, it is just another reality based truth you'll have to accept. Things change after one has had a stroke, no one not even you are spared that vicki, quit adding pressure on yourself, quit beating yourself up over it.

Have a shot for me, I'll be there in spirit......


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Pam is right stop worrying about impressing anyone. Instead, try to feel the love in your family and in the room tonight. And if you need help with anything, give some one the privilege of doing something for you. People like to be needed. Stop reading here at Strokenet and go take a nap.



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i feel your pain. i don't care how many people are helping, when you are the host, it's exhausting!!!!! i bet you have a great time once it gets started. you have gone to so much trouble there's no WAY it wont be fun. oh, and i think TR would be WONDERFUL!!!!!! i hope you get some rest tomorrow.


have fun!!!!



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