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Busy summer



I have been very busy. Some good times and some bad. A friend of mine from college died in a car accident and it was my first time going to a wake. It was very difficult and painful. I cried all night. But I have my new niece to be thankful for. She was born on Wednesday. I am an aunt for the 3rd time and I will be an aunt again in August :) I got a chance to spend time with my grandparents and family on Father's ay and my bestfriend/cousin even started talking to me again. She apologized for letting her boyfriend come between us. He was telling her lies about me. I forgave her but I really dont want to be her friend anymore. I am just glad she stopped ignoring me so I could open her eyes and show her the truth. Work has been going pretty good. I got my first paycheck last week and all I have to say is WHY TAXES? :) there was atleast $200 taken out of my check for taxes. I understand the need to pay taxes. I just wish it wasnt so much! I love working but sometimes I wish I was not working full time. The program that Im in lasts until september 30 but I plan to leave on August 7th which sucks because I just found out I am going to be an orientation leader for the incoming freshmen. Training starts on Monday, August 10 and lasts all week, the actual orientation week begins the monday after that when the freshmen get there, and school starts the week after that! I am glad that I am working because I enjoy it, Im getting paid big bucks working for the federal government, and its better than sitting at home bored watching tv and wasting time on the computer all day and night. but I do wish I had a longer break. Luckily, I have had my boyfriend to hang out with on weekends. I did community service and hung out with my sorority sisters this week and today my boyfriend and I went to the beach. I plan to go to a concert in July so I have been having fun. I just wish it was more play than work sometimes. I still have to see my pain management doctor, get a new AFO, and try to get off my seizure meds or get it switched to stop the constipation. Well I got to clean up my room. I have yet to clean it since I got out of school. Thanks for the compliments on the last entry


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Working a job is rewarding by having your own money. Taxes is the American way and many other countries too. I just hope social security is there when you and my grand kids are eligible for it. Right now in this economy that is not a sure thing how it will be years from now.

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Sorry to hear about your friend. Look at the bright side she has fulfilled her time here and you were one of the lucky ones to share your experiences of life. Have fun and enjoy your summer, you have a life time to work and pay taxes.

remembertolaugh, jeanniebean

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My condolences on the loss of your friend and congrats on being an Auntie yourself again. I'm glad to hear all is going well for you this summer. You will be a great freshman leader - I feel it in my heart. Another accomplishment for our sweet sweet gal. One way to look at the taxes, you'll have a good return next year at tax filing time.


Keep enjoying your summer.

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hey Katrina:


I am so proud & happy on all your accomplishments. I am sure wherever you are going you are inspiring people by dozen. by hubby says taxes you pay for quality of life you get in america. it's way of life. & I come from India where people spend more time in how not to pay taxes but then goverment also does not do anything for them. in third world country life is still survivor of fittest. so I worked for 10 years & paid almost 50% in taxes. though now in my time of need I am getting benefits which I am thankful for.




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