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Sad news



Some sad news today to report. Regular readers will recall me mentioning my friend "Mike" I met while in rehab. We stroked about the same time, and our recoveries were similar. Mike rode his bike up to 20 miles a day after his stroke and was never satisfied with his progress, always striving for more. Mike has passed away unexpectedly. He developed a bleed in his brain, not a stroke, but the result was terminal. I went and saw him in Duluth hosp (125 miles away) while he was there I'm glad I did. I feel lost not having my buddy to talk to every week about health matters, get encouragement from him, and discuss the world in general. Only readers of this blog will understand the bond that formed between us. I'll miss him.


Anyway life goes on. Lesley is in New Zealand probably for the winter 6 months or so. The summmer was so busy here and after her mum left Lesley crashed mentally and physically. It was obvious to me she needed to spend some serious time with her family in New Zealand. She said she needed to go for the month of October. I told her to go for the winter she would not accomplish much in a month, and that she needed to be there for an extended time, the dogs and I would be OK alone. Her mum is 87 and we could see a decline in her health, so now is the time to be with her. Lesley is working as an RN parttime in NZ as I told her I could manage with the money I get each month, but could not send her money. So, she is living with mum, driving her car, and spoiling the grandkids. She wondered if she should save some money for her return and I told her absolutely not, do what grandmothers do and spoil her family while she has the chance. We have two grandgirls, one 13 and one 11. She is showing them how to knit, etc, before they get to be older and forget her name as teenagers often do.


Around here fall is upon us, and I am going thru some adjustment myself, from a busy summer of not enough hours in a day to do everything to now not having alot to do. By the time she returns I should have the "Honeydo" list completed.


Long term readers of this blog know that I can sometimes wax on in a philisophical mode. Today is just such a day. I have always saved every penny I could, and put off things I would like to do for another day. My friends sudden passing has made me rethink that strategy, There are a few things I still would like to do, and I think I will get on with doing them. One is a fly in camping and fishing trip to a very remote place in Canada. Fewer than 1,000 people go there every year, and the place is over 1,000,000 acres in size. I'll probably have to help pay for any buddy I take along as it is more than I could do on my own, but that is OK. There are no facilities, communications, canoe paddling only, and you have only what you bring with you. I am 64 now, it is probably time to get on with it and not put it off for a better day.


I have been exercising alot the past six months, and it is really helping. Still know I had a stroke, but don't talk about it anymore except here.


Anyway, my coffee cup is empty, must fill it and then get busy living life.


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hey George:


please accept my condolences on passing of your friend Mike. life is really fragile you should do all the things you want to do now than keep it for some another time who knows tomorrow. for your canoeing trip maybe you & Lesli both can go together. hey George now that Leslie has gone to NZ hopefully we will hear more from you. you are quite a gentleman in allowing Leslie to spend time with her family back home in NZ & also giving her free rein on money that shows solid marriage foundation. you both are lucky to have each other in their life.




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Hi George,

I'm sorry to here about your friend Mike. I know he ment alot to you. But his spirt is still with you! I wish you luck in the comming days.



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Hey, George, really enjoyed your blog. I am so sorry about Mike. There are no guarantees life will be there the next day for us. Do what you want to do while you can and are able. The fishing trip sounds like a challenge but also fun....go for it!


It sounds like you will be a bachelor for several months with plenty of time to get the "honey do" list all completed.


How did the bread baking go this past summer?



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