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Ft Hood Getting Back To Normal



We are as a community and Army Post trying to get back to normal routines as much as possible. The bodies of our troops still arrive almost daily for funerals. We pray daily that these wars will end soon so these young families can enjoy their lives together. Soldiers are leaving almost weekly to the war zones.


The holidays won't be the same this year. Trying to get on the Army base is a struggle at the check points with vehicle inspections like it was six years ago. Some are still trying to get on base with weapons that aren't registered on the post, that's a big problem at the check points. We still got the wounded in the hospitals and ICU. The hospital is a very busy place.


I have to go there for my pharmacy meds since they are free and for the commissary (groceries) no sale tax. Usually the gas is cheaper off post at Wal-Mart plus I get a three cent discount. I was going to the gym too but not lately. I doubt if it will be normal for a while cause everybody is on edge. I hope it doesn't get into racial profiling by the police and gate guards. I hope this was one of a kind and no more.


The cooler weather has everyone wearing heavy coats now and all eyes are watching every every person. We can not be that scared of the next person but it's happening. So it will be a while longer for people to stop reacting and talking about what happened.


I'm just going to stay home when possible but my appointments has doubled because the doctors will be taking off on vacations for the holidays in a couple weeks. The emergency rooms stay full of people with H1N1 and accidents. That will be an all day or night wait to see a doctor. On the other hand people seem to be shopping more this year with less money and houses are selling again for a change. But then we have so many families coming and going all year long. The military is on the move with many wives going back home to be near their parents while the husbands are gone for 15 month assignments.


Keep this place in your thoughts! :(:huh:


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I do keep you in mind when I think of the military base. I cannot imagine how it is. thank you for sharing.


Keep up the good work.


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Thanks for sharing with us. I will keep the military bases in though and prarys!


Keep up the good work Fred.


Bruce Schwentker

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