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life lately with christmas coming



:wreath: yes the season is upon us and before we know it the day is gone and we reflect back on the chaos it took us to get to that point. well those days i no longer miss, it caused to much stress. although i did enjoy decorating for it. we got out our little tree today and i do mean little and thats ok. i'm just not into getting the big tree out and doing all that decorating. so we will put a few ornaments on the little tree maybe a few lights and i'll be happy with that. i have completed my shopping online, not having to go out once. i have been trying to bake a few simple things to have around to snack on. my youngest son needs a computer and it kills me not being able to get it for him this year, due to finances. he deserves it as he helps me out so much here at home when he's not working. but to my surprise, our IRS refund came the other day so that might help with the computer issue. i have always gotten my kids what they wanted for xmas, i always found a way. i always spent the same amount of money on each one for fairness sake. my oldest is discovering how expensive babies are now that he has 2. i wish i was able to go home to see them for christmas, but not this year. they are keeping me updated with pictures of baby evan so that will have to do. another reason i wanted to go home was to be there for my nephew and his family, he just recently lost his home to a fire after a power line fell on it. thankfully everyone got out safely and they were able to salvage a few things but not the christmas presents. but my sister is making sure the kids 5 and 2 will have a great xmas despite their losses. my newest baby mya is 8weeks old now and is the cutest thing ever. she is learning things really fast and getting into everything just like babies do. she has keep me moving alot to keep my eye on her. to make sure she is not annoying the cats to much. we have taken her for her 1st set of shots which she didnt mind to much and she weighs 4 lbs already shes a small breed so that is a good weight for her. other than that, things are going well. i want to wish all members, my friends, and fellow staff members. a very merry christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. 2010 can only get better right. enough of the war, economy crisis and foreclosures, lets get the good ole US of A back on its feet again. :santa: :reigndeer:


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I'm sorry you're having a rough go this Christmas. We're all really in the same boat this year, so next year it can only get better. Either that or we could always live together in a car looking for wifi hot spots and put a tree on the console.

Enjoy your fur babies and have a very very merry Christmas.


Maria :mwah:

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Merry Christmas, Kimmie, and thanks for all that you do for us here at Stroke Net. Hopefully, 2010 will be an improved year. Enjoy your tree. I, too, amlike you in that I do not decorate as much as I used to. Fortunately, my husband likes to put up the tree and decorate it so that helps.


We have snow here in Ohio so it truly does seem like the holidays. The forecast for Christmas is rain.



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Hi Kimmie: You expressed my sentiments in your blog. I've been able to get out a few decorations a little at a time to make the house look somewhat Christmasy. We have a 3' tree all decorated w/lights that a friend gave us the first Xmas after my stroke. I didn't know then what a great gift that would be. We have yet to get a tree big enough to hang some of our favorite ornaments on...maybe next year. I made a couple batches of cookies (thank you pillsbury refrigerated dough!) and brownies (from a giradelli choc. mix...most people think they are homemade they are so good. I became a new great-aunt on Dec. 3 and this time baby Peter is here in Tucson; I am so happy to have a baby in town. I thought 2009 would have to be better than 2008 - WRONG for me. So I'm hoping 2010 brings all of us a few more spots of joy. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and all that jazz!!!

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