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Stroke has now Struck my Father!!



:Soapbox: Now the ugly demon STROKE has struck another member of my family, this time my Dad. He had a stroke in his Cerebellum on Sunday, December 13, 2009. Three and a half years since my husband, George's stroke. He was lucky it was not a massive stroke like Georges but it was bad enough. My Dad will be 83 Jan 4th and was a very active man. He bowled in two leagues, played golf, shot pool, played shuffleboard and bocche ball every week. He fell a week before his stroke thinking he had a bout of vertigo. Bruised almost all of his backside and fractured his clavicle. He didn't know he had fractured his clavicle (sp??) until he had his stroke. Luckily he was able to call 911 when he was stroking. He spent a few days in the hospital and is now in a rehab facility. They think he will need 3-4 weeks of therapy. He is ready and willing but not quite able to get all of his therapy done in a day or so and it is hard on him to not have control of his balance and coordination since he is so active. My Mom also had a stroke several years ago and died a year ago May. Part of his grieving and recovery from her loss was keeping active and social. My husband and I are down here now and will go home while he is in rehab, for Christmas with our grandkids, then back down here to Florida to help acclimate him back home. I still take care of my husband at home who is mostly maximum assist. Hopefully, my sister will share in the care of our Dad?? I got layed off in August from my job so I don't work and she works part time but is single and lives alone. I don't think I can handle doing it all myself and really need her to help. She won't come down until mid January because her daughter is coming in from TX. I am venting because I feel I have to handle this all by myself. What can I do but help him!!! He is my Dad. But I also take care of a 66 year old husband who cannot walk, cannot talk much and requires total bathroom help. I am exhausted :wacko:

to all my fellow caregivers: Merry Christmas and God Bless. To all the survivors out there Hang in there and keep doing more each day!!! To all have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New year!!


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wendie, i am so sorry to hear about your dad and the situation you are in. you definitely have to much on your plate. i agree your sister should help you out as much as she can. of coarse you need to help your dad. thats not even an option. but you can only do so much by yourself though. if you get yourself down, who will care for dad or hubby then. its ok to vent and you have alot to vent about. i hope friends or family can pitch in to help you out somehow. . its sounds like your dad is a motivated man, so hopefully his therapy will get him back on his feet safely without the balance issue. you have been surrounded by stroke with your mom,dad and hubby, that is to sad. i truly hope things get better for you real soon. i don't know how you accomplish as much as you do. do take care and rest as much as you can. enjoy christmas with the grandkids. i wish you and yours a merry christmas and a happier and healthier new year. keep us updated as you can on how everything is going for you and your dad.

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Wendie, nice to catch up with you in chat today. I think going home for a while is sensible if you can then go back to help out when he needs to get used to being home again. We all seem to get caught between minding grandkids, husbands/spouses and parents in our '60's. No wonder they call us the sandwich generation.


Hope your Dad makes a full recovery.


Keep yourself warm.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Wendie, nice to catch up with you in chat today. I think going home for a while is sensible if you can then go back to help out when he needs to get used to being home again. We all seem to get caught between minding grandkids, husbands/spouses and parents in our '60's. No wonder they call us the sandwich generation.


Hope your Dad makes a full recovery.


Keep yourself warm.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.


Thanks for the nice reply, Sue. I hope you and your family have a happy holiday.



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I am sorry you have to deal with the stroke thing again. Though now you know what to expect in recovery and will be able to assist your dad more. As our parents get old it is our time to take care of them. hope your sister pitch in too. Even in the midst of all this chaos I hope you have great Holiday season, &hope and pray this New year bring lot of happiness, peace and prosperity.




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Hi Asha,


Thanks. We are going back down to Florida this week to help with my Dad. He is still in rehab and is wanting to go home. However he cannot walk without assistance and a gait belt being held. He lives alone and thinks the neighbor will help him but she also has a life and a husband to take care of. She took care of my Mom before she died, but my Dad payed her for that so I feel he will need to pay her to help him too. My sister is coming down on the 11th to help but can only stay a week. I don't work but I don't want to move to Florida so my Dad may have to decide to come up to Tennessee. I still take full care of my husband and I am plumb worn out from that so I don't know what we will do. I will do what I can.

We had a nice Christmas. I hope you did too. And Happy New Year to you and I hope you will have a happy prosperous one too.


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