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TIRR clincial study ..baseline



We just had our baseline study done today. Tirr is the 3rd rated rehab place in the US per Dr. Noser. She said that it is good but not as good as it should be.


They tested the strength of the leg. Could William hold it up in the air while lying on the bed. No. Then can you push the leg out and behind you while lyig on your side on the bed. Can you tap your toes? No. Willliam walked back and forth 3 times about 10 feet. This was timed. Then he had to walk for 6 minutes. This is just a pilot study....perhaps 26 clients. This is a study using te lokomat vs regular PT. Either way Intensive PT daily (5 days of the week) for 2 months. This is at no charge to us.


Dr. Noser talked with us and mentioned that the health care reform will hurt academics and research. Insurance will only pay for scientifically founded results. Of course, research has had a hard time coming into research money.


It is such an eye opene. This TIRR rehab place had people coming in for therapy and they were in much worse condition than William. Dr. Noser said that 20% of he survivors of stroke are bedridden.


I had to get to the medcal center for a 9:30AM appt This means that I had to get William into the car by 8AM. Traffic was so bad that I just


made it there by 9:30AM. It was worth it. We hit Luby's on the way home. Enchilada Tuesday. Yipee.




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