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One Year



Well it was a year in Jan. that I had my stroke, Jan 3rd to be exact. Sometimes I get down thinking about the Me from before the stroke and the Me now. All the things I still can't do and maybe never will. When that happens I try to look at where I was right after the stroke and how far I have come in a year, that makes me feel a little better. I just keep trying and working at everything. If I look at last week and this week I don't see much change, but if I look at where I was last Feb and where I am now I do see a big difference. My husband got sick last week (wed) with the flu and I was able to take care of him. :Clap-Hands: I could not have done that last Feb so I am making improvements. I still have a long way to go, but I have also come a long way and that feels good. I am going to try and start HBOT again in the next few months, but only once a week I think. I truly believe that the two months of HBOT I did last year helped a great deal. My PCP thinks it did too. :Clap-Hands: My left arm continues to get stronger every day and the Botox is helping my left hand. Now that I can do e-stim I am hoping that between the e-stim, Botox, and the HBOT that my brain will start talking to my hand again. That is my goal for this year. :cheer:




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Congrats on your year and you have to be thankful you are a survivor even if you don't get it all back. I feel you will, you are trying real hard, keep up the recovery.

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Yes, it is the "what you can do" that counts. We all have regrets, even without a stroke so concentrate on what you can do and build on that.


Congratulations on the way you have built on your strengths.



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hey Sheryl:


you have great positive attitude, and with that attitude you wll improve more and more every year. Congratulations on your first anniversary. rest of the annivesaries will get easier

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Congratulations! You have come so far in the past year and will continue to make progress. Never give up! I have enjoyed your postings and blogs.



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