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Hope Floats in Smithville Texas



We went on a bus trip with the YMCA. It was a long day. We went to Smithville, Texas the site of the Movie "Hope Floats". We had not


seen the movie. But. it was interesting. They have since had 3 other films made in that little town. They do not have 5,000 residents yet.


The next movie is the "everlasting Tree" starring Brad Pitt. It is amazing! They rent out the house and then rent out a block of houses


around that one. They use the extra houses as wardrobe, resting, snacking, etc. The residents were compensated for leaving their homes


to the movie people for six months. They had to gut the house that was used. That person got a totally remodeled house after they were




William managed to stay up for most of the day. He is sleeping much better at night. He hardly ever needs a sleeping pill.


He is willing to walk with assistance from the house to the car. We went out tonight for icecream and he walked with assistance from his


recliner to the car. He knows that walking...practicing is essential for his growth. THe main thing that the clinical study did was to


emphasize the need to practice walking alot more at the house.


We will be going to church tomorrow. I plan on bringing the hemi-walker so that william can stand up during service.


We will also be going to an after church outing. WIlliam is looking forward and wants to go. He said that he will walk into the house.


We will be going to hear the Tidelanders after church at 4PM. one of our friends sings in the mens ensemble called the Tidelanders. WE


will go and see him Sunday afternoon. I told William that it will be a busy day.


One of the caretakers that William had with the old agency also works for the new one. We had to tell them that we did not want that


particular caretaker. She was almost assigned to William. Thank heavens that did not happen.






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