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Laps. Who Knew?



Well, our pool is going down for a month for new filter and refurbishing. It was supposed to be May 1st but because the parts didn't arrive, Gaylord left the pool open to therapy only for this week. Since I take Bruce in the water and all his therapists said please bring him, I went to the pool Director and asked. He said as long as you come during therapy hours, yes, please come. So today we arrived for our usual am swim. Everyone walks the width distance for walking and everyone wants to be at the four foot level, so there are five of us walking. Bruce and I can not get in the way of therapy, so Bruce says lets swim down to the deep end. I put on a belt and off he goes, on his back. The right leg is kicking in the same rhythm as the left (nothing on the right arm yet) and I am only next to him. We get down to the deep end and off he goes to the shallow end. Then he turns around and goes back to the deep end and then back to the shallow end. I never touched him. He was so proud. The man who everyone said never really liked the water. So tonight my sister called. Tomorrow is my meeting with my work to go back two days a week. Mary asked me how I was doing. I said, "Well, I never expected to swim laps today,but we did". I am exhausted. So I guess I will be swimming laps the rest of the week. Tomorrow was supposed to be my day off-caregiver coming in the am for some needed time off, but I guess I will be swimming in the afternoon. When in doubt, punt.


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Yes, I am a firm believer in water therapy. I take William 4 days of the week. I actually like to walk him in the deeper part. The water is up to my chin and I direct William from the rear. He walks and I steer him. He does better in the deeper water. In the shallow water I have to support him more.


Keep it up.


I found a warmer pool. 89 degrees. In this water ...William even tries to use his arm. Or rather I move his arm more.



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Hurray for both of you. Ray and I did a couple of years in the heated pool one day a week. One day he just said: "I've had enough " so we stopped, I thought for a few weeks. Then the pool changed hands and charges doubled so we didn't go back. But it was good for both of us while it lasted.


The deeper water gives you more buoyancy so it is easier to do strokes and also feel as if you have more movement. Debbie, there is a lot of progress being made now, I can tell that from your blogs.


The "back to work"news is good too Debbie, I didn't go back as for a couple of years I was looking after my mum as well as Ray and being a caregiver for two was enough. By the time I had her in care Ray had had stroke number four and was even less mobile than after the first three strokes and I would have had to hire a full-time carer to replace me.


Life goes on and hopefully you will see a lot of improvement over your summer.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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