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Face in the water and blowing bubbles!!!



Well another first. William put his face in the water and blew bubbles. I don't know why he has not done this before. But, Yes, this was a first. He was watching this boy dive in the water to pick up hoops and said that he could do that. He hasn't done that yet. But, this is a start.


I have started taking William to a different YMCA. This has a therapeutic pool. It is always warm. William is so much better. He never suggests that we leave. I am the one that has to make the suggestion. He will stay in for an hour and longer. Today was another first. They had a deep water class. We watched and William decided that he wanted to try some of the activites. They were different. he did very well.


We went to metrolift downtown. He is now able to use the metrolift system. They have curb to curb pickup. I just have to call and arrange a pickup. i will see how that works. You do have to wait alot. Somebody called it metro wait. We just had a little interview and they will send us a card.


I got myself a smart phone. I ran over my phone the other day. It fell out of my purse and I didn't notice. I was just going to get a cheap talk phone. But, my son convinced me to join the 21st century. Now, I just have to figure out how to use the phone. i can barely answer or make calls. This will take me alot of work. I told William that we can learn together. It is a good thing that we have the easy to use phone and the new phone.


The phone is a droid. I have internet on it and everything. The handbooks are not as detailed as the old handbooks.


After the metro appointment..I used the GPS and made it to the new YMCA. We remembered that they were having their potluck today. I gave William the choice of the potluck or a restaurant. He was starved. No breakfast this AM. William loves people and said lets join the potluck.


We went and found the gym and asked if we could join them. They were so gracious. They said yes. Well, we were 45 min early so I went off and bought some food to share. William stayed and visited. He want to go back and visit with the vets. They meet every month.


William wants to get back into the social world.


We have a square dance potluck social this Monday. I am not working so we will go and visit.


William says that he needs to start working on the arm. This is good.






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this is great, socializing with other people is good thing, that means you are not sitting home and pitying yourself. I am glad you are taking william ot everywhere & he is having fun.




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Ruth: this is wonderful. The warmer water really does make a difference. Bruce's therapists insist on no less than 89 degrees for any of their patients and yes, if they are comfortable they will do more. Soon we will have William and Bruce swimming laps against each other, while you and I enjoy an Iced Tea poolside! You are so right about the day trips, makes such a difference. I am amazed William is comfortable sitting with strangers and conversing. That is just terrific and really best for him. I won't even go into the phones. I just don't want to go there although I have been advised they are wonderful and with all the options will really be of help to me and organizing. We too have the Metrolift system here in CT: called Handivan, very cost effective but again curb to curb and some waiting. I am so happy for you both, you have made my night. Hugs and prayers, Debbie

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It sounds like William is having better days, and you have to be commend on

the support you have given to William.Jeannie

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