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I hate waiting...



Well, I am still waiting for my son to call me to set a date for the lunch he cancelled on good friday. When I talk to him, usually on facebook, he says oh we will have lunch soon, I cant this week , I am very busy but the day never comes. What am I to do? If the relationship wasn't so fragile I would say something for sure but... I will take whatever crumbs he sends my way. Its better than nothing. At least we are in contact unlike mu oldest son who I have not seen in 5 years. I never in a million years thought I would have a relationship or the lack of a relationship like this with my sons. We were so close when they were young. It is sad.


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That is sad. William has the same problem. He like you just has to take what crumbs are offered. Beggers cannot be choosers.

Just hang in there. Hopefully, one day the boys will come through.

I will pray for you and the boys. Just be patient.



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I know how much your sons mean to you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for good outcome in your realtionship with your kids. There is saying in our Eastern culture that kids can be sometime insensitive & do things badly, but parents always have to keep bigger heart and have unconditional love for their children. Now that I am Parent. I understand it. I think we all have to do our best rest is in God's hands.



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My heart goes out to you. My mother who had 3 girls and one son, the daughter will always be around and the sons will be always busy. My brother would always says he is busy especially knowing mom needed something fixed in the house.


When he didn't have a girlfriend he spent more time at the house.


My suggestion is leave it alone, you don't want him to feel you are nagging him. :2cents:


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MC: I am so sorry. You were so looking forward to spending some time with him. Bruce's best friend has dropped out of sight. I know he is having marital problems but Bruce was there 24-7 for both of them. Its not like we depend on him to do stuff, he's not very mechanical, but Bruce is never cognitively better than when he has a visit from him and I was sure to mention this even when he felt Bruce has shut down or was not understanding the conversation. Somehow it did sink in and Bruce would be great for days. But he is gone from us now for weeks on end-they live close. Bruce has no family and the guy he grew up with who is most like his brother is very good, but lives an hour away, has three kids and his business is failing. People just don't understand that it is often the time that is spent and the sharing that is important. I hope he calls soon. Debbie

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