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Help when you least expect it



Interesting week: I was able to move Bruce's special WC delivery up a week and was finally able to get an appointment with the Spasticity Clinic but it is a ways off. As most of you know, Bruce's Neuro told him last week that he probably will not make any more progress. While I know from all of you that this is not true, Bruce is still very discouraged. We go to the pool almost daily and he still does his hour workout, including his laps, but will only walk in the pool or with therapy. Today was a work day. Bruce's big boss and close friend is away on vacation but Bruce still wanted to go in. This family is incredible and the brother and Dad are more than happy to have Bruce. As all of you know my greatest fear is the bathroom. Bruce had an accident on the second day there which was quickly and quietly cleaned up, but I was horrified. I insist on coming back every two hours to take him to the bathroom. Today I arrived back at 2 hours when one of his co-workers tells me he went to the bathroom several times with Mike. I checked Bruce out and there was a small spill on his shirt tail but he was otherwise dry. This co-worker has taken it upon herself to watch over Bruce while he is there. Since the brother was out of the building, I went to talk to Mike myself. Mike tells me that Bruce tells one of the female co-workers he has to go to the bathroom and they call Mike. As all of you know this is remarkable for a stranger to offer. If Bruce is holding himself up with a grab bar, everything else has to be done for him (no balance). However, Mike tells me he holds Bruce up from the back and Bruce does everything for himself. Even so, there must be some clean up involved. So I asked Bruce why he did not tell me how he went to the bathroom with Mike and he says "I was remiss" (we all know why). Anyway we are now practicing this method here at home. I couldn't thank Mike enough and just finished an Email to Bill to let him know and to thank him as well. Apparently Mike has two stroke survivors at home who are less disabled than Bruce but have given up. Mike said he told Bruce he was an inspiration. I am going to remind Bruce of this often and myself.


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What an angel Mike is. You are truly blessed. That would be my biggest fear. The bathroom. That is interesting. Holding him up from behind. I actually have Wm sit down for everything.

William walks in the pool and around the house. i do not take the wheelchair out of the car. It stays in the trunk.

I know that Bruce and William will continue to get better. It is just a very very slow process.

I pray that the spasticity with Bruce is taken care of soon.


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Wow Debbie, Mike sounds like one in a million for sure. I am glad Bruce is accepted at work. I would be like you, popping in and then out again. Do that for a while but if they get into a routine with his toileting that would enable you to have free time for longer.


Your neurologist is wrong to tell you there will be no more improvement, he should instead have told you improvement will slow down and Bruce will have to knock down some barriers to keep going.


Sadly Ray always stopped exercising as soon as the professional physios stopped coming. But having said that he still tried to do what I needed him to do and still does. Ray is a realist and knows that when he stops walking I will not be able to go on caring for him at home.


As usual there are good and bad days and we cope with both.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I just want to say, "Don't give up on Bruce, it just takes time and he has the balance issue to overcome first." I'm wondering if a gait belt can assist in him gaining a little confidence in his balance issue and less depending on the grab bar?


Otherwise keep up the progress!

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I am so glad to read that you have found that there are OTHER PEOPLE in the world JUST AS NICE AS YOU!




Smiling big,


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Guest aboukas


If I met this Mike I would probably give him a huge hug. We need more people like that in the world...

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