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Catch up Time

Wesley H.


So, what’s new with me? Well, in my opinion; not too much. Deb and I were recently in Arizona to attend a Fleet Reserve Association in Tucson. We took a side trip down to Tombstone. Now, that was interesting. We walked through the Boot Heel cemetery and saw where Tom and Frank McLaury, and Billy Clanton, who died at the gunfight at the Ok Corral, are buried. We visited the OK Corral, the Bird Cage Theater, Big Nose Kate’s Saloon (Doc Holliday’s girlfriend), and the office of the Tombstone Epitaph, the town newspaper. There is so much history in that town! It was a great experience, and someday I intend to return.

Things are very well with me these days. I have just recently re-learned how to tie my shoestrings. I may be slow and clumsy; but the end result is that my shoes are tied! I still can’t figure out how to finger a chord on my guitar; but I did figure out how to give someone “the finger”. Never stop trying to improve. My doctor recently told me “not to expect much more improvement” but what does she know? She has never had a stroke; I have! About two weeks later I was tying my shoestrings.

Sabrina has graduated from high school and now has a bona fide boyfriend for the first time in her life. Mom and Dad actually like the young man. He seems to know what he wants to do with his life; finish school and enter the Marine Corps. Dang, kids grow up fast!

We’re making plans to go to Kentucky next month to attend my family reunion. I have not been to one of those in years. This will be the first time since my stroke that anyone other than Mom and my sister Paula and her husband has seen me. If anyone will see how much better I have got, it will be my Mother. She came out to California just days after my stroke and I was still in the hospital.

I still ride my bicycle, though not as much as I would really like to. Deb still worries about me a lot. I can understand; if I were to have flat tire, I probably couldn’t repair it on my own.

My job is still good and I feel as though I am contributing to the Company. It’s all good.

Sorry for not dropping in and writing as often as I did right after my stroke, but I still stop in often to check out the Message board and post a comment here and there. I guess that’s normal after accepting and adapting to a new lifestyle. I still care about my many friends here and wish the very best in their recovery.


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It is so good to hear from you and to catch up. Glad to hear things are going well. Your stroke anniversary has or should be coming up very soon...congratulations! Enjoy your time with family at the Kentucky reunion.

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Thanks for sharing about your trip to Arizona. Great job with your shoestrings, keep up the work using those fingers. You'll pluck that guitar yet. Jeannie

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Thanks for updating us. Although we know you are moving well in your life we still wonder about our friends. recovery never stops till you stop trying. I am sure with your determination you will pluck that guitar too.



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