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Your order is better than mine....



William had a great day at physical therapy. The therapist said that she is very pleased with William's progress. She has noticed that William can move his left leg. We just need to work on it. He is able to walk with controlled supervision. Just a short ways. But, this is a miracle. I credit this to our hyrdo-therapy. We go to the pool and walk 3-4 days of the week.


I got William up at 5AM. We started out and then I saw a lightening strike. I asked William if he saw it. He didn't. So, I kept driving. Well, we saw more lightening. This means that the pool will not be open. I drove home and let William go back to bed. I had a torn retina and often see flashes of light. I couldn't be sure that is was a lightening strike or one of my flashed of light. Crazy!


After, physical therapy, we went to lunch. I suggested the rib tickler. Lo and behold, it had closed. Lack of business!! We went to the restaurant next door. William ordered chicken and dumplings and I ordered a rib-eye steak. I told him that it was good that we ordered different things. William loved my order. He kept looking at it and picking at it. I finally, relented and said, "Let's switch". I had the chicken and dumplings and he had my steak. He agreed that I ordered the better meal.


I was reminded that I had a conference call at 1PM. I had forgot. This means that I have to have it in the restaurant. Well, right before it starts, William says that he needs to use the restroom. So, off to the bathroom we go. I ask him to drink his coke and let me take the call. It is a long call. He wants to go home. I finally, hold the phone to my ear and push William to the car. I get him into the car but I click the phone off. I cannot do this and a conference call. William let me listen for 35 minutes.


I asked William where he wanted to go this weekend. he suggested College Station. We will see.



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You are so sweet to have given up your meal in exchange for Williams' meal. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't trade a rib-eye steak for anything and anyone who would try to take it from me, would get their fingers stuck with the fork. lol



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