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a break from regular PT



We are taking a break from regular PT. OUr regular therapist is working inpatient. We need the break. Twice a week really uses up free time.

This means that the pool is very important. This is still happening 3-4 times week.


Today , we got to the pool at 9AM. This nice cool weather is sleep in weather. William did not want to go to the pool, but he did not give me a hard time. After a shower, we have a cup of coffee and then I checked the quilt group. We stopped and visited awhile.


I was going to make lunch and then decided that buying lunch was a better idea. I have a conference call every Thurs. The last two Thursday have caught me at a restaurant. I told William that today , i was going to buy a subway sandwich and we would eat at home. These conference calls mess with my free time. I added cantelope, fritos and a cookie. Delicious.


William is resting in bed. He gets tired after the pool.


Our church is out of Stephens ministers. So a sister church has contacted us and will take care of William and myself. This will be a person that we will talk with.


I just got a call from the home health agency. We will be getting new caretakers. One of the girls is going to join the service and the other one got a job at the hospital. I cannot wait until William does not have a need for caretakers.


I have been chosen for jury duty the end of Oct. I said that I was a caretaker, but that didn't stop them from calling me. Just one more day to hire a caretaker.



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Ruth, here if you had to hire a caretaker to do jury duty the Court would have to pay the expenses so you would not be out of pocket doing your duty as a citizen.


Sorry you have to have new caretakers, for me it takes a while to get them into our routine and for us to feel at home with them.


You have so much to do but you always make time for William and his needs. Bravo! :You-Rock:



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