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He remembered!!



My hubby remembered my birthday and our anniversary today. Yesterday he walked to the mall and bought me an ankle bracelet. This morning when I woke up there it was sitting next to my coffee cup and sweet & low (he knew the first place I would go after waking up).


I must say I was quite surprised that he was able to communicate to the jeweler what it was he was looking for and then purchase it. He wouldn't have bought me any jewelry before the stroke and I was thrilled. It is so pretty....there are three little hearts on it and it fits perfectly. He's such a sweety, I just love him to death.


I really don't wear much jewelry. That's the reason he wouldn't have gotten me anything like that before, but I just love it. I'm so happy. I told everyone I talked to today!! Funny how something so simple like remembering can be such a big deal. I smothered him with kisses all over his face although it was tough because of my stupid tooth!!! Yeah, you didn't think I could get through this blog without mentioning the tooth and hole in my mouth now do you?!?


I couldn't help but to come and tell!!!!!! wub2.gif


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Cindy! How wonderful for you. I bet he was quite pleased with himself all day. What a great gain he made. I am so happy for you both. He's coming back, slowly but surely. I hope you congratulated yourself for your love and patience. That doesn't sound right, I hope you know what I'm trying to say, I'm tired right now.


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What a sweet man you have there, Cindy!


You two have come a LONG way these past months.



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thanks for sharing such a SWEET story!!!!! i understand about the tooth too. those idiots put me on dilantin for 3 weeks when i was in the hospital with the stroke that caused me teeth problems. after 2 years, 3 months and 14 days with braces, compulsive brushing ( electric) and flossing, AND a water pick MY WHOLE LIFE, i lost a tooth because of that dilantin, which was later determined that i didn't even need.



i went to a dentist, a peridontist, and an endodonist to get THREE opinions about that tooth, all said it had to go. i cried SO much my dentist kept asking if i needed more novacaine. i told him my pain wasn't physical, but emotional!!!!! losing a tooth to me is analogous to getting old.


i told them i DID NOT WANT TO SEE A HOLE, so they gave me a temporary bridge. so, after about $2500 and many tears later, you can't even tell it isn't real. i told them that i only wanted to be able to SEE my teeth if i was looking in a mirror!!!!!!!!


i feel your pain!!!!! Argh.gif

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