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The end of 2010



I can't believe that it is the end of another year. But, I am ready to start a new year. I will be starting a new positiion in January. I am stepping down as Manager in charge and will become regular staff. this is free up alot of time for me. I am cutting my hours down to 30 hours. This will essentially give me an extra 1618 hours during the week. As manager you have to bring alot of work home and go in on days off. For example I just got a memo that a meeting has been scheduled for Dec. 21 (9-12). That is when I usually work my shift. This means that I will have to attend the meeting and work the second shift. This essentially will take up my entire day. It is a 45 min drive to the meeting and a 45 min. drive back. So tack on 2 hours to the 3 hours and you have 5 hours. Then i need to work a 7 hour shift. My problem...I all ready had plans for that evening. My son will be in town for a few days and we had planned all of our time. I am all ready working and that takes out a full day. AM to PM. I am pleading that since I will be staff in a few days after that ...maybe I can skip that meeting or have the meeting the week before. I can work the extra time then. I will let you know how that pans out.


I am getting to go for my mammogram this morning. I felt like cancelling ..but after the new of Eliz. Edwards..i had better go. I did not get a reminder call. I hope that they still have me on schedule. I made the appt. 3 months ago.


I will take William to the pool after I get back.

Thur. We have PT in the morning.

Friday we have a YMCA trip to see Christmas lights and a hay ride. I hope that it is not too cold.

I need to take William's INR today. I have the home monitor device.

Sat pool in the AM. Sunday. church and Christmas party.....Lots to keep Willilam and myself out of trouble.

I lost a dear friend to cancer the end of Nov....I am still grieving her....I was not able to make it to Calif for her funeral.

I have a ton of exercises to do with William. Walking in the house more is what PT wants us to accomplish. Last night I was using the bicycle pedals as we watched TV. William finally said that he would do some. He just kep watching me and finally agreed to do some. i guess he felt guilty...me doing that exercise and he just relaxing.


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I have not forgotten about you and William, but you been sooooo busy, the new schedule is ready for you and you for it.


Then I can schedule a visit with my wife to come again and see you all, OK?

Thanks for your update! I can keep on to Houston to visit my brother there!

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I hope you are planning on using some of those 1600+ hours a week for yourself. It sounds like a great idea cutting back on the hours at work - you are way too overloaded lady!


Have you thought about getting a recumbent bike and park it in front of the t.v. for William. Gary doesn't mind riding the recumbent bike, but he has to be pushed and prodded to do it and I have to be constantly vigilant so he doesn't fall off it. It helps to have a goal while he's riding it - I tell him he's pedaling to the Dairy Queen in the next town - keeps him motivated. lol


Hope the mammogram results are fine. I had one recently and got a discount as it was breast cancer awareness month, then the hospital sent me a $40 refund. Turned out the refund was a bookkeeping mistake and I shredded the check, but was glad they could offer it so cheap since I don't have insurance.


Hope you and William have a very Merry Christmas and even brighter New Year!




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