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Guess who just graduated from college!



I don’t know where to begin. On Friday I found out I am the valedictorian graduating with a 4.0 GPA! I was on channel 11 news as an inspiration story. I was supposed to be on another local news station but they cancelled due to Elizabeth Edwards funeral coverage. However I did an interview with the newspaper in my city AND I will be doing another news story for another local news station on Sunday. I am just so thankful God has blessed me with the opportunity to share my testimony with so many other people. Here is the speech I made at graduation.


Good morning (Chancellor, Platform Party, friends, faculty, guests, and of course, student graduates),

Today I am accomplishing a milestone. As a survivor of nearly 16 brain surgeries and a stroke at the age of 12, there was a time when I could not walk but today I am walking across the stage. There was a time when I could not attend school, but today I am finishing college a semester early. There was a time when I could not speak because I was on a breathing tube in intensive care, but today I stand before you to say even though I have had ¼ of my brain and skull removed I overcame, worked exceedingly hard and can proudly say I am graduating with a 4.0 GPA. If you have never seen a miracle, you are looking at one right now. I have came from victim to victor and I owe it all to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ because without Him, I would not be here today. I did not make it this far by myself and I just want to thank everyone (family, friends, FSU faculty, the Bronco family, my Blue and White family, the Fort Bragg family, and my church family). Thank you for all of your support.


I got a standing ovation from my graduating class and people were crying and shouting hallelujah and God is Good! Unfortunately it was raining after graduation so I did not get a chance to say goodbye to my friends :( but I did take a few pictures with some fans :) and did another interview with a reporter from my school then my family took me to a restaurant showered me with gifts and love. Later that night I hung out with some of my sorority sisters at a Christmas party. I never knew things could get this great in my life. I always thought I would never be happy again until I was “normal” again but here I am getting all of this praise for overcoming despite my limitations. What should I do now? I did not want to start working right away and I did not have time to apply to grad schools so I have absolutely nothing to do. I am thinking of traveling but I do not want to travel alone (due to my vision loss) and all of my friends are either working or at home with their families and after the holiday break, they will be in school again. I want to do something besides sit at home. I do not want to just sit at home. I will probably call voc rehab back and see if they can help me find a part time job to keep me busy. In the meantime, I will be waiting on my doctor to send my medical forms to the review board in Raleigh because it is time for my yearly evaluation. Please pray I get my license this time! I have been driving with my permit for 2 years uder the supervision of my dad and I am ready to be independent.


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OK, I made just two guess...First, I thought it was me, absent minded you know, then my guess was Katrina, that's you!


I'm very happy for your success and achievements you accomplished over the years! Now with the driving license, "you can do it" I got the faith and God is with you.


That's why I want to send you the pictures of the hand/wrist support for the left hand, you can drive with it too. I drive every day and have been for 6 years now! I will sent that as soon as I get my wife to take the pictures and get my daughter to upload them to you!


I got no computer skills beyond turn on and off. I just know this support will help you immensely. I will pray you get your license to drive! The part time job seems like the best answer right now instead of sitting home cause you are so used to being busy. There is only so much TV you can watch or radio music to hear!

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wow Katrina:


amazing :congrats: you are great role model and survivor. I feel with attitude like that only sky is limit for you. so happy for you. I feel with your these great achievements there is no excuse for any of us in succeeding in life. My son is going to hear big lecture from me tonight :) I am glad life is joyful for you once again just a little different, but still joyful.



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You are right Katrina "God is good" and you are a good testament to everyone here saying "never give up" I applaud you with all that you have been through to be so successful. :cheer:

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