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WHAT is too much PT??



I have William in PT again. I enjoy the new therapist, but, they expect too much. I have so many exercises to work on with William on a daily basis. I just cannot get it all done.


When I work the afternoon shift. I take William to the pool in the morning this is a 3 hour ordeal. 30 min to and from the YMCA. 1 hour in the water and 30-40 minutes to shower and dress. When we get home. William is exhausted and needs a rest. So he is down for 2 hours. Now it is lunch time. I try to take William out. This gets him to walk to the car and see people.


We get home and William does not want to exercise. I don't really either. Then I am off to work. So ...no extra PT exercises.


The exercises are:

1. Stand and sit.

2. Stand against a counter and lean on your elbows with the left leg in back and the right leg bent.

3. practice walking ...more.

4. Trunk rotation. knees to the left and right of the body.

5. Ham string stretch....sit on the couch and put the let up on the couch and push down on the knee.

6. Foot stretch. Put a belt or towel around the foot and pull back until taught...Achilles tendon stretch.

7. Do the bicycle pedal for 10-15 minutes.

8. Bridge up on the bed.

9. Hold the bridge and push the legs out on a big ball.

10. Push the legs together while lying on the bed. I need to push against the good leg and he has to push in against my hand with both legs.

11. Now push out with both legs. I hold the good leg in and he has to push in.

12. E-stem...on hand and leg...

13. Dyna splint on the left hand.

14. Stretch the hand and finger and wrist and arm. Range of motion exercises.

15, cognitive...computer and reading....

the lack of energy and endurance makes this list daunting. I just do a couple of them a day. One day...we may be able to do more.

I hope that somebody can use some of these exercise suggestions.



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Ruth, I understand the frustration, I figure that I am in continuous rehab 24 hours a day. What your therapist is missing is a therapy model. What are the exercises being done for? This almost seems like, well he can do these exercises so keep doing them. The therapists needs to map those exercises to specific functions/movements. Unless we start demanding more of our therapists/doctors they will never do the hard work of determining what actually works for stroke rehab. The other thing to ask your therapist is what needs to be done to reduce the exhaustion. Don't accept the comment that he just needs to increase his cardiovascular fitness, that is a copout. But then Ruth I am just a bomb-thrower upsetting all the carefully constructed fictions of stroke rehab. :blah_blah:


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Ruth, that sounds like the home exercise list the O.T. gave Larry. It was 7 pages and each page was a different category with about 3 exercises per page. He was to do these twice a day. It was too overwhelming for him and he didn't want to do them at first. Now he has it down to about a few in the a.m. and a few in the afternoon. That's all I can push him to do. I would think the pool would cancel out the P.T. for the day. I'm glad you like the therapist. That makes a difference. It helps if therapists cheer them on and smile. One O.T. kept telling Larry to smile. I felt like saying "why don't you smile?" LOL

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Ruth, I sympathize with you and feel your pain. The therapists do the same thing to Bernie and me. My sweet Bernadette is about 75% cognitive and just beginning to walk dangerously with and without the help of a walker, I have to watch her every move. The PT guy gave us 3 sets of sheets with different exercises, the same as they did to you and William. I asked the guy if this was a joke, he said he didn't understand my question. Then I told him to sit down and listen and look at the med check off sheets with the pill crusher and tube feeding and calorie count sheets and the bite, chew, swallow exercises, and the laundry and the garbage and the cooking and the cleaning and the exhausted survivor. He got tired of listening and told me to do the best I could. Like I said Ruth, I feel your pain. On the other hand, my doctor lets me take Xanax. Merry Christmas, Mike-n-Bernie

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Ruth: Nobody does more for their person than you! My one complaint to Bruce's therapists was that everything they wanted done only put more work on me and I wasn't the one in therapy! His last therapist, when she knew we would no longer be coming back gave him 5 exercises to do on his own, with no help from me and for that I commend her. William is making incredible progress and until you see a plateau, he will only benefit with the therapist ADDED to what you already do. Keep the list handy if you have an off day and he needs a little boost and do try to do the E Stims and splints. But also I thank you for the list as both Jen and Leo have been asking for some new stuff and this will help them. Debbie

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