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AZ Leah


:bouncing_off_wall: :Clap-Hands: :happydance: MERRY CHRISTMAS - HAPPY HOLIDAYS - ETC ETC ETC


This is all I can do for blogging. My mother-in-law will be coming and spending 2 nights with us after all so I had to get on my ball (rolling). I feel awful. My leg is so painful I can hardly stand, let alone walk, and I have a headache since I woke up. Good thing I got a lot done yesterday. Presents (not many) are wrapped and under our undecorated artificial ficas tree!! We have a string of white lights on it...that's it for this year.


I had my final MRI and EMG week before last, appt with surgeon Monday. Good new is surgery date is set for Jan 13...Questionable news is I have an appt next week with my pulmonologist who will tell me if my lung is okay for surgery. I'm praying like heck. There was (is) some fluid..I'm hoping if it's still here they can easily and not painfully draw it out.


More later. I have enjoyed everyone's blog. It just isn't feasible for me to squeeze that into my not-so-busy, altho it is crazy :juggle: and not peaceful or restful at all.I'm not scared (thank you God for taking the fear away, but I am not looking forward to the unknown.


SO HAPPY HOLIDAYS. I SURE HOPE 2011 WILL BE BETTER FOR ALL CONCERNED. Thanks for being here, whether I was or not. Hugs Hugs Leah :friends: :giggle:

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Leah, that is the biggest hug I can give you. I know you need it right now as you face the unknown. But as much as we can be we are with you in spirit.


Thank you dear lady for blogging again. I so miss my friends here when they fall silent. I know it is a big effort for you so I do appreciate it.


Sue. :juggle: also.

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