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New year 2011. January



We have been on two outings. Thurs. We went to the aquarium downtown Houston and toured the place and had lunch. It was a nice outing.


Friday, we had another outing. We went to a satellite site of the Houston Museum of Natural science in Sugarland. We had a great guide. Next we went to Rosenburg, Tx and viewed the railroad museum. William could not see everything because he could not make the stairs. I just took lots of picutures and showed him what he missed.


Next we went to the SwingDoor BBQ place of for dinner. We started to run out time. This was good. Because William did not get cobbler and icecream for dinner. We did the smart thing and shared an order. Just perfect.


We made it to the Rosenberg Oppry just in time. It was fun. William just got sore from sitting for so long. I had to take him out into the hallway to stand a couple of time. Standing and moving to different chair helps to alleviate the problem of getting sore from sitting for so long.


They kept advertising their desserts. Luckily, I told William that I did n ot bring any money with me. I only had my credit card. I had the left my purse in the bus. I am going to try to get William on a plan ...diet plan this year. He is gaining back the weight that he lost.


I told William that I would not be scheduling any more PT until he decided to work on the exercises that we have been assigned. He had a chanbe of mind and said that he will have the care takers work with him and he will work with me.


This morning we got to the pool by 8AM even though we got home at midnight las night. I had warned William about this morning. He did not give me a hard time. We are supposed to get rain this afternoon. I told him that we had to get the pool in early.


He did well ...we did our hour. i put a belt on him today and used a noodle and brought him to the deep part. He does not like this. I told him that just hanging in the deep part is good because it helps his spine stretch. While we were there, I told him to watch my legs. I bicycled in the water. I said imagine that your legs are doing what mine are doing. Let's see if we can get anywhere with this new manuever.


I need the brain to make a connection.


After our shower..Wm gets his cup of coffeee at the YMCA. I told him that I had to stop by the grocery store before heading home.


I warned him that he could not sleep until he had his bowl of oatmeal and meds. MCdonalds has been advertising oatmeal. I like them to advertise heathy stuff. This way I can encourage Wm to eat oatmeal. today we have a funeral to attend in the afternoon ...Wm is now snoozing so that he will be ready for the funeral.

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Ruth: as usual you never cease to amaze me. But more so William this time. To understand that he has to stand and change position to get the pressure off his bottom is huge! Plus the fact that he does it. I watch Bruce "dance" as I call it in the WC. It is like restless leg syndrome while you are awake and it is just a response to having to move and reposition. By bedtime, he can bearly stand to go to the BR and I think the early to bed is just to get out of the WC. All day long I say "lets walk" "lets just stand in the kitchen" "let me help you move to the recliner or couch"-I am hoping one day he will get it.


Bruce balked in the deep end at first as well. But Bruce didn't know how to swim pre-stroke and not feeling the weak side and occasionally flipping onto that side, scared him. Not a problem now. Consider allowing William to hold on to the side in the deep end rather than using a noodle. He may feel safer. As long as he is attempting bicycling, also try feet together, feet apart and front to back alternating scissors kick. Bruce now does these without prompt, on his own in the deep end at the side of the pool and is increasing his time. I also have Bruce use the three alternating kicks while he is doing his laps (he's on his back, but it still works).


Your outings sounded wonderful. We had another six inches of snow last night and more due tonight. I had planned the day in today, but we have errands tomorrow, so hopefully it will be on the light side.


Luck this week, new schedule, less stress. I hope the transition goes smoothly for you. I will pray too for you and poor William. With your new free time and your energy, I can just imagine. But please keep in mind that some of this new free time needs to be just yours. Good week, Debbie

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