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Thumb a lift..



Today was my follow up appointment for my elbow at the Rothman Institute. I must be honest I was looking forward to it for my doctor is just a beautiful looking man. It turns out i have the beginnings of carpel tunnel. So not only do I have right side weakness but I have to wear s big brace that also has a brace for my thumb. Typing is a challenge but oh well.Life goes on. I had a good day with my husband and that's all that countspash.gif


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flowers.gifanother challenge, another accomplishment, thanks for typing anyway, hopefully the pain will subside. blessings mlp lynnYou-Rock.gif
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hopefully brace will help. life goes on with its ups & downs though glad you have your loved ones near to share with.



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Just use that hand as much as possible or you will lose it. I'm telling you from experience. If mine ain't gone it sure is close to leaving me! :rolleyes: :notfair:


I'm still in therapy for 4 more weeks to work on my arm/hand until it gets better.

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