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cabin fever? Memories....






I'm a person who was raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Ohio is a pleasant place to reside, for you


have 4 seasons. Spring, snow has melted, slushy streets are dry, wash your windows, put the


storm windows up and pull down the screens, finally get to wash your car and it stays clean


for longer than a day. Summer, swimming in outdoor pool. Plant the vegetable garden and


erect the 6 foot fence to keep out the rabbits, deer, and any other critter that thinks the garden


was planted for them. HA! It's so nice to be outside in fresh air, no heavy coats to wear, no more


having to shovel the snow off the 50ft driveway so my dad can get in and out of the driveway. Also,


so the Heating Oil truck can make a delivery. Standing out in the cold at the end of the driveway


waiting for the school bus. The birds are arriving, robins pecking at the ground finding a worm, making


nests in the trees. Memories....... We did not have A/C, got hot you went down in the


basement. They didn't build houses with A/C. Fall, is one of those seasons that is beautiful, very


colorful, different shades of reds, yellows, oranges, browns, greens. But, the trees lost their beauty


the closer we came to winter. Winter season is how you look at it and make of it. When you’re a kid


LOVE winter. Sledding on the back yard incline. Ice skating at the neighbors back yard pond. First


you had to shovel the snow off. memories....You go play with your friends, bundled up, and stay


outside for hours, nose is rosy, mittens are wet figures cant' feel them any longer. Now time to


come in, take all the wet cloths off. Put clean dry.... clothes on. Sit in front of the fire and good old


mom makes hot coco with marshmallows for us all. memories....


That was the first 12 years of my life living in the country, with 2 older sisters and one older brother.


Yes, I'm the baby of the family. memories......


The big move to the city! From a big house, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath rooms, living & dinning rooms,


eat in kitchen, huge basement finished on 3 acres of land. To a town house, 3 stories. walk in


the back ground level is a basement finished. Second floor was Kitchen, Dinning & Living rooms.


Third floor, three bedrooms and 1 bathroom. ugh!


I started this post on Jan. 13 my fathers birthday. Today is Feb 3rd watching the weather channel where


the big snow storm, blizzard, hit most of the country. Atlanta is having a windy day but is to going to


reach the 50's.


For awhile I was unable to get on the site so I started writing this in Word program. I will copy & paste


this in and will continue doing my blog this way, for I hate when I start my post and hit the wrong key


and loose the post. Till another post bye all.





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It was fun to read your childhood memories. I love the innocence of childhood when you are not worried about anything just enjoying the present moment with what it offered be it snow or sun.


I think it's good idea to write in MS word & then copy & paste if you are not planning to finish in one sitting.



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You should really love the weather you got there now! I couldn't handle it with my stroke. I been there a few years but it was summer time in Canton and Camp Perry for the shooting championships each year for 12 years.


Guss I'm spoiled being from Houston Texas! When I lived in Germany that was enough for me in snow and cold weather!



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brought back a lot of memories. autumn would be my favorite season if it was followed by spring or summer.if it was following the calendar and lasting only 3 months, it wouldn't be too bad. here in the northeast it's more like6 months.i remember drinking the cocoa sitting on the radiator.bouncesmile.gifno computer. if you missed your tv program that was too bad. gone forever,no dvr. simply times. blessings mlp lynn

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Jeannie, I loved your blog as usual. Your childhood and mine in England up to aged seven were similar. In 1955 I came to Australia, no snow here and summer lasted five months and was hot, hotter, hottest especially out on the western plains. I love autumn (fall) here, milder days, cool nights.


Thanks for reviving the memories.



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