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valentines day lunch out early.



William and I were on our way home from the pool. William did a good job. He wanted to try the new Burger girl restaurant that is going to open. Well, it was not open yet. So, I suggested that we try the SaltGrass Steak house and celebrate Valentine's day.


I have to work Monday night and we are busy Monday during the morning. We are attending a CERT (Citizen emergency relief team) ...This is about getting ready for emergencies. It is good. This Monday we will learn about fires.


The steakhouse was scrumptious. We had rib eyes and baked potatoe and caesar salad. William added a beer and ice cream to his. He absolutely loved the lunch.


It was also my son's birthday today as well as Abraham Lincoln's. We called Javid, my son, and told him that we were celebrating his birthday without him. He thinks that Texas has the best steaks. He is in NYC.


William is watching Turner classic movies. John Wayne is on.


I heard the new blip on stroke last night It said that stroke survivors benefited from therapy started even 6 months after the stroke. At one time is was believed that only immediate therapy helped. I must say that I have learned that therapy even 2 years after the stroke is beneficial and progress is still made.




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Ruth and William: Happy Valentine's Day. Great celebration! I continue to envy and admire all that you do and the support you give William in recovery. You truely are a role model. Tip a glass to your son tonight. Even tho you are separated by many miles, you are still connected.


We, survivors and caregivers, many months and years into all of this stroke stuff, bring back old strategies, find new strategies and ask for help in finding a new direction because we see improvement many months in. Cognitively Bruce has never been better and I have seen incredible improvement in just the past month. Funny I was worried about his physical regression during this tough winter only to find benefits in his cognitive status. There's no telling with the brain. If the "pros" had bothered to ask us, we could have told them that!

Good week

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Happy Valentine's Day Ruth and William. You two certainly know how to find good food.


I went out with my two sons, two daughters-in-law and four of the grandchildren to lunch today and had a nice meal. The two little boys are finally getting better table manners so not as much mess as usual. Good to spend time with them all.


Now I have to prepare for Ray to come home tomorrow, just pack up a few things I've had out that would be obstacles to walk around. Then back to the same old routine.



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