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YMCA Sat as usual...



Early 50.....I get up and William is ready for the pool... I am so glad that he is ready and not recalcitrant about the pool this morning. I have so much to do today.


William has the usualy 20 laps. He has reduced the walk down to 20 from my expected 50. but that is OK. I just add extra activities to make our time string out for 1 hour. We do planks on the side of the pool. While William is standing on th e side of the pool I tell him belly to the wall...butt out. This is a stretching exercise. Next. hips to the right and the to the left. NExt the hoola hoop movement.....5 times in one direction then revere and 5 times in the opposite direction. I have a piece of PVC pipe...William holds on while standing with his back to the side of pool. I say...push and pull. He pushes out with both arms and then pulls back. The last thing that we do is 2 steps forward and 2 steps back. This last exercise is supposed to help with the hip movement.


William was really resistant to the 2 steps forward..2 steps back exercise..But, nowhe knows that this is expected.


Today...I wanted to stay longer...I had not done the pull william around the pool on his back and he moves his legs out and in ...


He said that he had to use the bathroom. that statement gets me moving. He get to get out of the water. Yes, he had to use the bathroom.. Good call!!!


We have coffee and his meds after his shower.


We are off to the grocery store. I find some mincemeat filling on sale. This sounds good. I buy some. I love mincemeat pie. I had bought a breakfast burrito at the grocery store deli for William.


I remember to stop by the auto parts store to buy new wiper blades for the car. I hate this job. But, I buy the blades and try to put them on in the parking lot. I notice that they are different sizes. I go back to the counter and get the correct size. I try and cannot put them on. The clerk comes out and helps me. They are actually easy to put on. Hopefully next time i will know how to do it.


Finally, we are home. I set William up in the house for breakfast. I bring in the groceries and start to work on the pie. I bought some extra apples to add to the mincemeat pie filling. I also put a chicken casserole in the oven for lunch today.


William is sleeping in the recliner and I am watching my cooking shows on TV while blogging.


I hope to enjoy a piece of pie soon and maybe I will work on the yard and my car needs to be washed. But, I may just become a couch potatoe today. My major accomplishment is done. William's pool therapy.




I do enjoy my new work place. It is a different location and I do not have the extra responsibility of being in charge. What a relief.


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your day out sounds so good very fruitful. seems like you got done so much, that's great. you should now enjoy your mincemeatpie while chilling on coach.



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Ruth: thank you for the update on your work. We haven't had any time to talk about your new position and hours. I am glad it is working out.


Bruce and I added Phils's leg exercise that he does before getting up to our pool routine today. I figured the lifting with the strong leg would be easier with the water to bear some of the extra weight of the weak leg and also wanted to show Bruce that this was something he could do himself in bed-sure, but one must try.


He seemed extra tight today. Even the pool PT who lifts him into the water thought so, but after his hour, his body was like jelly. The new exercise did seem to cause more tremors, but since he is truely exercising the back of the weak leg, figure that is to be expected for a bit.


I am sure you enjoyed that pie, sounded awful good. May have to do one tomorrow. Good week, Debbie

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Ruth, I read your blog last night and could relate to two things. One - mincemeat pie. This was Larry's favorite pie and few would say it was their favorite. Now, Larry doesn't like any sweets but loves ice cream. Second - it was raining last night after church and the windshield wipers were scraping and making a loud noise. I said I guess I will have to get new blades (I don't know a thing about it). I might have to ask my son to do this. I am amazed at the stamina William has. If Larry did the pool for that long he would be wiped out. I would be too.



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